22. Results

The following result enhancements were made at Release 2024 R2:

  • Panel Contribution. The Panel Contribution option now supports most Frequency Response results for Harmonic Response analyses.

  • Energy Contribution. For Modal analyses only, you can now specify an Energy Contribution result for potential energies. This result produces a mosaic chart highlighting the potential energy for each body and every mode shape.

  • Waterfall Diagram Results. Several changes have taken place for waterfall diagram results:

    • Filtering by RPM and Order. Now, using the options of the Chart and Tabular Data category of the Details pane, you can simultaneously filter waterfall diagram results by RPM and Order so you can further refine the result data presented in the Graph and Tabular Data windows. In the previous release, you could only filter these results by RPM or Order.

    • The Modal Coefficient Factors (MCF) Waterfall Diagram result has been renamed to Mode Contribution. You access this new result type from the new Contribution menu on the Solution tab for the supported analysis types.

    • The Details pane properties for waterfall diagram results are now available under a new category: Waterfall Data. Previously, these properties were included in the Chart and Tabular Data category. The behavior of the properties remains the same.

    • The Chart and Tabular Data category includes new filter properties (Display Panel/Display Order) based on analysis and result types. You can now display a mosaic chart for different contribution types. This enables you to perform targeted post processing by filtering complex response data to determine which bodies have the highest response at specific mode shapes and frequencies.

    • The Selection Mode property of the Chart and Tabular Data category has been renamed to Filter By.

  • Krylov Residual Norm. Now, when you solve a Harmonic Response, pure acoustic Coupled Field Harmonic, and pure acoustic Harmonic Acoustics analysis using the Krylov option of the Solution Method property, a new Frequency Response result is available: Krylov Residual Norm. This result plots error estimations (residuals) across a frequency range for the harmonic distribution. The plot can provide information on how to best split the whole frequency range into multiple ranges.

  • Analysis Settings > Output Controls. The Output Controls category includes a new property: Output Selection. This property enables you to store results only on specific geometry- or meshed-based Named Selections in order to reduce result file size.

  • Reaction Probes. You can now scope Force Reaction, Moment Reaction, and Heat Reaction probes to Named Selections.

  • Composite Failure Tool. The Composite Failure Tool includes a new property: Show On Reference Surface. This property enables you to display the worst failure, per solid stack, on the shell mesh of the specified Reference Surface only.

  • Python Result. When you insert a Python Result, the worksheet automatically includes default script content. In previous releases, this script content was based on the Total Deformation result. Now, the content depends on the type of analysis to which you have added the result.