14. Analysis

For Release 2024 R2, the following analysis enhancements were made:

  • Including Objects in Multiple Analyses. For environments that use the Mechanical APDL solver and that are independent (no initial conditions) from other environments, the Analyses Selection worksheet now supports Material Assignment, Contact, and Joint objects in addition to Bolt Pretension load objects. For all of these object types, you can specify whether to include or exclude the corresponding data for a simulation using the Analyses Selection worksheet.

  • Krylov Solution Method. For Harmonic Response, pure acoustic Coupled Field Harmonic, and pure acoustic Harmonic Acoustics analyses, there is a new option for the Solution Method property: Krylov. The frequency-sweep harmonic analysis based on the Krylov method provides a high-performance solution for forced-frequency simulations in acoustic analyses. It can provide quick, estimated results compared to the Full method.

  • Iterative Solver Type Support for Harmonic Analyses. Now, you can use the Iterative solver (Analysis Settings > Solver Controls > Solver Type) for Coupled Field Harmonic (pure acoustics), Harmonic Response, and Harmonic Acoustics (pure acoustics) analyses when the Solution Method property (Analysis Settings > Options) is set to Program Controlled or Full.

  • Welding Toolbox is a native extension that allows you to manage welding process simulation. This tool eases setup in Mechanical and helps to optimize weld sequence and process parameters.

  • Rotordynamics is a native extension that streamlines and accelerates the creation of acceptance documents for rotating machinery design. These capabilities can be used to insert pre and post processing objects as part of a vertical application for the rotordynamics industry.