18. Loads/Supports/Conditions

The following loads/supports/conditions enhancements were made at Release 2024 R2:

  • Fluid Penetration Pressure. For Static Structural analyses, there is a new loading condition available: Fluid Penetration Pressure. This loading condition enables you to simulate surrounding fluid or air penetrating into a contact interface.

  • Pressure. For 3D Static Structural analyses, you can now scope a Pressure load to a SMART Crack Growth object. This enables you to apply the pressure to the new crack faces the application generates during the smart crack growth process or to these new crack faces in addition to the initial crack faces of the crack associated with the SMART Crack Growth object.

  • Specifying Loads with Tables. This feature has the following changes:

    • You can now directly select table names when you are specifying magnitudes for Pressure, Temperature, and Thermal Condition boundary conditions.

    • The Add Table option on the Magnitude menu automatically creates a table with an appropriate dependent variable and the independent variable time.