
Contains all crack definitions within a model. Supported crack types include:

The application internally generates a mesh for all of the above crack types except for the Pre-Meshed Crack. You import the Pre-Meshed Crack and its mesh from an external source. Furthermore, except for the Arbitrary Crack and the Pre-Meshed Crack, the above crack types are defined as analytical cracks.

Object Properties

The Fracture object has only one category, Definition, and property, Re-mesh Hex-dominant to Tetrahedral. Options include On and Off (default). This property works in combination with the context (right-click) menu option Generate All Crack Meshes. When you turn this property On and then select Generate All Crack Meshes, the application automatically remeshes the body/bodies scoped to any existing Arbitrary Crack or any analytical crack object(s) from a hex-dominant base mesh to a tetrahedral mesh. In addition, for these objects, it will generate the initial crack mesh based on the scoping of the crack surface.

Also note the following:

  • Because all cracks, except the Pre-Meshed Crack, only support a tetrahedral-based mesh, you must set this property to Onand select the Generate All Crack Meshes option if your fracture analysis includes a crack scoped to bodies that have a hex-dominant base mesh.

  • For a Multibody Assembly geometry, only crack-scoped bodies get remeshed, but for a Multibody Part geometry, all shared bodies get remeshed.

Tree Dependencies

Insertion Methods

  • Select the Model object and select Fracture from the Define group on the Model Context tab.

  • Right-click the Model object and select Insert > Fracture.


  • The Model object supports one Fracture object only.

  • You need to regenerate the base mesh for all bodies if you delete a Fracture object that includes cracks (analytical or an Arbitrary Crack) for which the application internally generates crack meshes.

Right-click Options

In addition to common right-click options, relevant right-click options for this object include:

API Reference

See the Fracture section of the ACT API Reference Guide for specific scripting information.

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