Probe Types and Application Overview

The application supports the following probe types:

Review the following section topics, especially the requirements and limitations:


You insert probes from the Solution object. Probes are available from the Probe drop-down menu on the ribbon or through the right-click context menu. You specify the probe using the properties of the Details pane. Following the solution, the display of the probe reveals the displaced mesh for the specified time. The probe result shows values over time and for a specified time. Based on the probe type, the Details pane displays result data specific to that type, such as maximum or minimum values over time, emitted radiation, etc.

Note:  You cannot turn off the time history for result probes.


Probes are customized for the particular result type, therefore, different probes enable different scoping mechanisms. For example, you can scope a reaction probe to a boundary condition while a stress probe allows you to scope to an x, y, z location (Hit Point Coordinate option) on the geometry. Refer to the "Characteristics" column of the tables in the linked probe type sections above for scoping details. The Location Method property provides the available scoping options (Geometry Selection, Named Selections, Remote Points, etc.).

Understanding When Scoping is Interpolated

When you create a probe by selecting a specific x, y, z location on the model (using the Hit Point Coordinate option) or using a coordinate system, Mechanical chooses a singular element of a singular body that contains the x, y, z location. In the event the probe lies between two bodies, the application still only picks one of the two bodies (and one element) to use for the result calculation. Result values are interpolated from the element's nodes to the x, y, z location.

When picking a specific x, y, z location, you can obtain the probe result directly at the closest corner node, without extra interpolation, by right-clicking on the probe object in the tree and choosing Snap to mesh nodes from the context menu. The identification number of the closest corner node is displayed as the Node ID in the Details pane of the probe in the Results category. See the Interpolation section for additional information.

Line Body

If you attempt to intersect probes with a line body, Mechanical issues a warning message. No results (such as stresses or displacements) will appear in the Details of the probe.

Surface Body

For surface bodies with expanded thickness, because the snapping location is located on the expanded mesh, while other items such as the original x, y, z location and the node ID are on the non-expanded mesh, you are advised to turn the visual expansion off in order to best view these items.

Element Face

Only reaction probes support element face scoping.

Caution:  The application does not support probes applied to objects that you have scoped to multiple Remote Points, either directly or indirectly, such as a spring scoped to a Remote Point that is itself defined by multiple Remote Points.

Specific Scoping Requirements

Note the following specifications when scoping a probe:

  • When you create a probe by scoping a vertex, edge, face, or volume, the results reported for the probe are for the undisplaced nodes and elements. The displaced location of the probe (if any) is not used in any way to calculate results.

  • If a probe is scoped to any suppressed or hidden parts, then the probe will not solve or evaluate results. This strategy exists to prevent numeric contributions from elements and nodes that are not scoped.

Scoping Limitations

Review the following probe limitations:

Reaction, Summation, Torque, Et. Al.

As a result of an element selection limitation, the application can select unscoped adjacent elements that will then contribute to a probe's result.

When you set the Location Method property to Geometry Selection, the scoping algorithm initially selects a group of nodes on the highlighted geometry (face, edge, etc.). The algorithm then selects any elements attached to those nodes and can include unscoped adjacent elements, that is, elements not contained in the scoping (green highlight).

As a result, probe types that have element-nodal results, such as Structural Force Reaction/Moment Reaction and Magnetostatic Force Summation/Torques, the scoping algorithm selects these unscoped adjacent elements and these additional elements can contribute to the probe results.

Although a limitation, this behavior enables you to compare element-nodal probes to nodal probes scoped to boundary conditions. For example, an element-nodal Force Reaction probe scoped to a face can be compared to a nodal probe scoped to a boundary condition that occupies the face.

Volume, Energy, Joule Heat, Et. Al.

When the result that is associated with a probe is purely elemental (one value per element regardless of the number of nodes), then the probe does not include elements from unscoped bodies. For example, a Volume probe scoped to a body provides the exact volume of the body.

Note:  Bodies that are separated by contact do not share result nodes. In this case, results from elements on unscoped bodies are not included.


Shell element node-based results (like stress and strain) exist at the top, bottom, and middle of the shell element (or the layer). Therefore, a shell node can have three values for a given layer.

For result probes on shell models that are scoped by Geometry Selection, the probe normally considers the top value and bottom values at the scoped nodes and picks either the maximum or minimum value. Based on the probe type, the Spatial Resolution property enables you to select whether the application uses the maximum or minimum value.

If you scope your probe to a Coordinate System, the application performs an interpolation using the values at the top and bottom of the shell.

With these situations in mind, your scoping may present results with unexpected or non-intuitive values.

For example, consider a probe scoped to a coordinate system that is situated near a vertex at the mid-plane. For this situation, the interpolation is a simple arithmetic average. However, what if the Top value at the node is -1000 and the Bottom value at the same node is 1000, a very real scenario for shell models. The coordinate system probe would report (-1000 + 1000)/2 = 0.

Now consider the probe scoped by geometry to the same Vertex. It would report max(-1000, 1000) = 1000 if the Spatial Resolution property was set to Use Maximum.

Results Output Coordinate System

Some probes such as the Directional Deformation probe allow the results to be calculated and displayed in a coordinate system of your choice. Some other probes such as a Spring probe allow results to be output only in a specific coordinate system. Refer to Orientation Coordinate System: entry under the "Characteristics" column in the probe tables (see links above) regarding what coordinate systems are allowed and what the default coordinate system is. You can use Orientation in the Details of the probe to change the output coordinate system.

Note:  When the Orientation Coordinate System is Global Cartesian, the triad symbol is not displayed. The exception is for Torque probes in magnetostatic analyses, where the global triad is displayed and the direction vector is placed at the global origin.

Limitations of Geometry-Based Probes

The following table shows the limitations of geometry-based probes. If you make incorrect selections in the Details for any of the probes, all the probes under solution remain unsolved.

Probe Scope Must be Scoped to a rigid part Components and Principals Result Selection invalid All Result Selection invalid
DeformationVertices, Edges, Faces, or Volume  X
Stress XX
Strain XX
Thermal Flux[a]  X
Flux Density[a]  X
Flux Intensity[a]  X
Velocity  X
Acceleration  X
Position X  
Angular Velocity[a] X  
Angular Acceleration[a] X  

[a] Not supported in explicit dynamics analyses.