19.9.12. Magnetostatic Probes

The following magnetostatic probe types are available.

Probe TypeApplicable Analysis TypesOutputCharacteristics
Flux DensityMagnetostaticFlux Density: X axis, Y axis, Z axis

Scope to: body.

Scope by: bodies, location only, vertex, edge, face.

Orientation coordinate system: any; defaults to Global Cartesian.

Field IntensityMagnetostaticFlux Intensity: X axis, Y axis, Z axis

Scope to: body.

Scope by: bodies, location only, vertex, edge, face.

Orientation coordinate system: any; defaults to Global Cartesian.

Force Summation[a]MagnetostaticForce Sum: X axis, Y axis, or Z axis; Symmetry Multiplier

Scope to: body.

Scope by: bodies.

Orientation coordinate system: any; defaults to Global Cartesian.

Torque[b][a]MagnetostaticTorque: X axis, Y axis, or Z axis; Symmetry Multiplier

Scope to: body.

Scope by: bodies.

Orientation coordinate system: any; defaults to Global Cartesian.

Summation: Orientation coordinate system.

EnergyMagnetostaticMagnetic Co-energy

Scope to: body.

Scope by: System or per body.

Magnetic Flux[c]MagnetostaticMagnetic Flux

Scope to: body.

Scope by: edge.

[a] A limitation exists when the scoping of a Force Summation or a Torque probe is applied to a geometry entity (Location Method = Geometry Selection) that shares more than one body. The (unscoped) elements that are adjacent to the scoped body contribute to the probe's results.

[b] Torque results represent the torque on a body due to electromagnetic forces. Torque is specified about the origin of a coordinate system. By default, the global coordinate system is used. To change the specification point, create a local coordinate system and specify the results about the new origin. The torque result is listed in the Details pane.

[c] Magnetic Flux is computed along the scoped edge. The scoping should produce a single continuous path along the edge. Flux is reported as magnitude only.

See the Probes section for further information.