16.1.13. Advanced

The Advanced category includes the following properties:

Far-field Radiation Surface

For a Harmonic Acoustics analysis only, the Advanced category includes the property Far-field Radiation Surface. Far-field result calculations are based on the Equivalent Source (Maxwell) Surfaces. Therefore, this field controls far-field result definitions and results. The options include:

  • Program Controlled (default): If your analysis does not include a user-defined Equivalent Source Surface boundary condition object, this setting identifies the Equivalent Source (Maxwell) Surfaces automatically created by the application using the environment option Create Automatic > Far-field Radiation Surface. In this case, the application applies the surface flag MXWF on them. If the analysis does include a user-defined Far-field Radiation Surface object, this settings defined by that object are used.

  • Manual: This option requires the definition of at least one user-defined Far-field Radiation Surface object.

  • No: This setting invalidates all Equivalent Source (Maxwell) Surface objects and Far-field result objects.

Inverse Option

For Static Structural analyses only, the Advanced category includes the property Inverse Option. The options for this property include No (default) and Yes. Selecting the Yes option instructs the application to perform an inverse solution beginning at first step. In addition, the End Step property displays when you select the Yes option. This property enables you to specify at which step the inverse solve routine should stop. Entries for this property (the maximum value) are based on the value specified in the Number of Steps property. The default value for this property is 1.

Contact Split (DMP)

When the Contact Split (DMP) property is enabled, the contact conditions for the model are split during the distributed solution to generate several smaller contacts. These contacts are then processed across the available cores. Once the solution is complete, the split pairs are merged. This entire process is automatic. Property options include:

  • Off: No contact splitting.

  • Program Controlled (default): The application selects whether to perform contact splitting in order to improve performance.

    Important:  When using this setting for standalone Static Structural (not linked to any downstream system, such as Modal, etc.) and Transient Structural analyses, the application automatically performs contact pair splitting during the solution when the number of contact regions is less than the number of cores when the Distributed option is enabled or the number of processes when the Hybrid Parallel (Mechanical APDL) option is also enabled.

  • On: The application splits the contact regions during the solution. Selecting this option displays the additional property Max Number of Splits. This entry specifies the maximum number of splits that can occur for each contact region during the distributed solution. A minimum value of 2 is acceptable.

  • This feature requires the Distributed option to be enabled.

  • When contact splitting is enabled, different contacts in the model can result in different levels of splitting. The level of splitting is determined by the application during run time.

  • The use of this property may trim some of the contact elements during the solution. This reduces the number of contact elements compared to the original untrimmed contact condition. As a result, contact result items such as Contact Force Reactions and Contact Trackers may provide different results when you turn the Contact Split (DMP) property On compared to a solution with the property turned Off.

  • You can change the default setting of this property using the Contact Split (DMP) preference contained in the Advanced category of the Analysis Settings and Solution group of the Options dialog.

Update View Factor (Coupled Field Only)

You use this property to update the view factor (radiant energy) at each substep of a coupled-field radiation analysis. A radiation analysis requires you to set the Structural and Thermal properties of the Physics Region object Yes. In addition, in order to enable view factor updates, you must also set the Large Deflection property to On.

Property options include:

  • Never (default): The application does not perform an update.

  • Every Substep: The application updates view factors at the end of each substep following a converged coupled-field solution. The application uses the updated view factors in the next time step.

For each Radiation loading condition included in the analysis that has the Correlation property set to Surface to Surface, the application updates the view factors.

See the VFUP command in the Mechanical APDL Command Reference for additional information.