10.1.3. BladeEditor Toolbars

BladeEditor uses three separate toolbars: one for feature creation, one for selection, and one for display control. BladeEditor Toolbar

The following icons exist in the BladeEditor toolbar:



Import BGD


Creates an ImportBGD feature, which is used to import a BladeGen file and construct a solid model of the blade and optionally the hub and fluid zone. The flow path and blade shape cannot be edited in BladeEditor, but the import can be refreshed if there are any changes to the BladeGen file. For details, see Transferring Blades from Ansys BladeGen.

Load BGD


Loads a BladeGen file and constructs the FlowPath, Blade, and Splitter features so that the flow path and blade shape may be edited in BladeEditor. For details, see Loading and Modifying Blades from Ansys BladeGen.

Load NDF


Loads an NDF file and constructs the FlowPath, Blade, and Splitter features so that the flow path and blade shape may be edited in BladeEditor. For details, see Loading and Modifying Blades from Ansys BladeGen.



Creates a flow path (FlowPath) feature, which is used to define the flow path for blade geometry (that is, the meridional shape of the passage). For details, see FlowPath Feature.



Creates a blade (Blade) feature, which is used to create the blade bodies. For details, see Blade Feature.



Creates a splitter (Splitter) feature, which is used to create the splitter bodies. For details, see Splitter Feature.



Creates a Vista TF export (VistaTFExport) feature for exporting the flow path and blade geometry to the Vista TF throughflow analysis tool. For details, see Export to Vista TF (.geo).



Creates an ExportPoints feature for exporting blade point data to TurboGrid or to a meanline file. For details, see Export as Meanline Data (.rtzt file) and Export to Ansys TurboGrid.



Creates a stage fluid zone (StageFluidZone) feature for generating the blade passage bodies. The stage fluid zone is a 3D fluid region to support CFD analyses. For details, see Stage Fluid Zone Feature.



Creates a 3D hub sector. For details, see SectorCut Feature.



Creates a throat area (ThroatArea) feature for calculating the blade throat area. For details, see Throat Area Feature.

CAD Import


Creates a CAD Import (CADImport) feature, which exports CAD models to files that can subsequently be loaded to produce blades. For details, see Exporting Blades from CAD Models to NDF or Script Files and Importing Blades from CAD Models.

Model Settings


Opens the BladeEditor model settings in the details view.

Note that the default values of the model settings are controlled by preferences in the DesignModeler options. For details, see Addins in the Ansys DesignModeler User's Guide.

For details, see Model Settings.

Note:  Note that, because of limitations in the FlowPath, and Blade features, the ‘Load BGD’ feature supports loading BladeGen files with the following restrictions, as applied to BladeGen settings:

  • Model

    Only the ‘Angle/Thickness’ mode is supported.

  • If loading multiple BladeGen files, the Beta Definition, ‘from Axial’ or ‘from Tangential’, must be consistent for all files.

  • Layers

    Only specified span fraction layers and data layers are supported.

    The Spanwise Calculation mode must be ‘Geometric’.

  • Angle Definition

    Only Theta and/or Beta definitions are supported, not End Angle.

    Only 'General' and 'Ruled Element' spanwise distributions are supported.

    At least one angle definition must exist on either the hub or shroud layer.

    The Angle View Data Location must be 'Meanline'.

    After loading a .bgd file, you cannot further split or join curve segments.

  • Thickness Definition

    Only the 'Normal to Meanline on Layer Surface' thickness data type is supported.

    The 'vs. Cam' and '% Cam vs. % Cam' thickness specifications are not supported.

    Only the General spanwise distribution is supported

    At least one thickness definition must exist on either the hub or shroud layer.

  • Meridional Profile

    Only the 'Design Profile' is supported.

    After loading a .bgd file, you cannot further split or join curve segments.

Note:  When you load a .bgd file that specifies Angle/Thickness data from trailing edge to leading edge, the geometry will not be loaded correctly (will not appear exactly as in BladeGen). If you load such a .bgd file, a warning message will appear. You can change the data direction by going into BladeGen and selecting Model > Ang/Thk Data Direction > Data from LE to TE. Active Selection Toolbar

You can select the Blade and layer used in the angle and thickness views from a pair of drop-down list boxes on the toolbar, beside the label Select Layer:. The first box indicates the active Blade feature; the second box indicates the CamThkDef sub-feature. Display Control Toolbar

The display control toolbar enables you to control display properties such as the angle/thickness graph visibility and graph view actions such as "Fit Graphs".