If you create a blade from scratch in BladeEditor, or if you convert
a BladeGen BGD file into BladeEditor features (that is, load a BGD file)
by clicking , or if you load an NDF file from BladeGen, then
you can modify the blade by editing any of the features in the Tree
Outline. By contrast, if you instead import a
blade from BladeGen (for example, by clicking
(see Transferring Blades from Ansys BladeGen)), the
blade will be dependent on the BladeGen BGD file, but you can still
modify the
sketch that appears
under the associated MerPlane
Note: If you edit the hub sketch, make sure to maintain a closed edge loop when modifying this sketch or the hub body will fail to be generated. You can check the loop while editing the sketch by right-clicking in the viewer, choosing and then selecting an edge of the loop. This will highlight the loop and let you inspect it in order to make sure that it is uniquely closed.
You can modify the blade geometry using any of the standard DesignModeler geometry features. Some examples of the latter are:
Adding edge blends to the blade geometry
Trimming the blade and/or hub bodies
Adding extrusions
The following BladeGen model features are incompatible with BladeEditor, and prevent successfully loading a BladeGen case into BladeEditor.
Trim profile
End Angle definitions
%Cam vs %Cam thickness distributions
Layers other than constant span fraction layers and user defined layers
Thickness of type Tangential on Layer Surface