ExecutionControl (singleton)

Available when ParticipantType is set to a value other than EXTERNALDATA.

Settings controlling the participant's execution in the coupled analysis.

Execution control values are populated by the participant. When this singleton is omitted, System Coupling populates values based on participant types.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control branch.

*Option (setting)

Method used by System Coupling to find the solver executable file to be used to start the participant.

Possible values:

  • ProgramControlled (default value)

    Available when ParticipantType is set to a value other than DEFAULT or EXTERNALDATA.

    When selected, System Coupling finds the executable file based on the participant type.

    Note:  For coupled analyses executed using System Coupling in Workbench, this option is replaced by the ExternallyManaged option.

  • UserDefined

    System Coupling does not automatically find the executable based on participant type.

    When selected, if ParticipantType is set to a value other than EXTERNALDATA, then System Coupling runs the file specified by the Executable setting.

  • ExternallyManaged

    Used for workflows involving execution via System Coupling in Workbench. Denotes that the startup and shutdown of the participant are managed externally (that is, not by System Coupling).

    When selected, System Coupling will not start the participants, but will wait for the participant to connect to it during participant startup.

    Note:  This option is available but not recommended for runs in either of System Coupling's user interfaces.

Note:  If UserDefined or ProgramControlled is selected and ParticipantType is set to AEDT, then additional parallel processing controls are available for the participant.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Option setting.

*WorkingDirectory (setting)

Participant's working directory for the coupled analysis.

For coupled analyses set up in System Coupling's GUI or CLI, by this value is the working directory defined for the participant. A participant's working directory may be set using the following methods:

  • Automatic Definition:

    When a participant is added to a coupled analysis using a coupling setup file (for example, an .scp or .ftsim file), the folder containing the file is designated as the participant's working directory. In this case:

    • For a folder inside the co-simulation working directory, a relative path is used.

    • For a folder outside the co-simulation working directory, an absolute path is used.

    Note:  To make use of this option when using an existing .scp file that includes a <WorkingDirectory> element, you may either regenerate the .scp file or remove its <WorkingDirectory> element.

  • AddParticipant() Command:

    When a participant is added to a coupled analysis using the AddParticipant() command with the Executable argument, its working directory may be defined using the optional WorkingDirectory argument.

  • Participant Setup File (.scp):

    When present in a participant's .scp file, the <WorkingDirectory> element defines the participant's working directory.

For coupled analyses set up in and then exported from Workbench, the export generates the participant's working directory inside the coupled analysis working directory automatically.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Working Directory setting.

*Executable (setting)

Available when the ExecutionControl.Option is set to UserDefined or the AddParticipant() command's Executable argument is used in the CLI.

Path and file name of the solver executable file to be used to start the participant. Default value is None.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Executable setting.

* AutoDistributionSettings (setting)

Available for AEDT participants when ExecutionControl.Option is set to UserDefined or ProgramControlled.

Whether automatic distribution settings will be used for AEDT distributed runs.

Possible values:

  • True (default value)

    Distributed settings will be set automatically, with the task count set to -1 and the machinelist formatted as follows:

    list=machineA:-1:<nCoresA>, machineB:-1:<nCoresB>

    Equivalent to Maxwell's -auto command-line argument.

  • False

    Distributed settings will be set manually by the user via the IncludeHPCDistributionTypes, NumberOfCoresPerTask, and BatchOptions execution controls.

    Note:  Distributed parallel execution is not supported when auto-distribution is disabled. That is, when AutoDistributionSettings is set to False, only one machine may be specified by the -machinelist argument.

For detailed instructions on using this setting, see Using AEDT HPC Distribution Options in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Auto Distribution Settings setting.

*IncludeHPCDistributionTypes (setting)

Available for AEDT participants when ExecutionControl.AutoDistributionSettings is set to False.

String list of the HPC distribution types to be included for distributed runs.

Available distribution types:

  • Solution Matrix

  • Transient Solver

Equivalent to Maxwell's -includetypes command-line argument.

For detailed instructions on using this setting, see Using AEDT HPC Distribution Options in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Include HPC Distribution Types setting.

*NumberOfCoresPerTask (setting)

Available for AEDT participants when ExecutionControl.AutoDistributionSettings is set to False.

Number of parallel cores used per task for an AEDT parallel analysis.

Accepts integers greater than or equal to 1. Default value is 1.

Equivalent to the task count and core count values of Maxwell's -machinelist command-line argument.

For detailed instructions on using this setting, see Using AEDT HPC Distribution Options in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Number of Cores Per Task setting.

*BatchOptions (setting)

Available for AEDT participants when ExecutionControl.AutoDistributionSettings is set to False.

User-specified batch option arguments.

Accepts a string of batch arguments. Empty by default.

Note:  When this option is used from the command line, the escape characters \" are required.

Equivalent to Maxwell's -batchoptions command-line argument.

For detailed instructions on using this setting, see Using AEDT HPC Distribution Options in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Batch Options setting.

*InitialInput (setting)

Available for AEDT, CFD Server, CFX, Forte, Mechanical, and Mechanical Server participants.

Solver input file to be used for the initial coupling run.

For coupled analyses set up in System Coupling's GUI or CLI, by default this value is specified by the participant. Unless another path is specified, System Coupling looks for this file in the directory specified by the WorkingDirectory setting.

For coupled analyses set up in Workbench to be run from the command line (as described in Running an Exported System Coupling Setup), you must set this value directly in the data model before starting the run.

Acceptable InitialInput values vary according to coupling participant, as follows:

  • For an AEDT participant, it must refer to a solver input file (.py), which in turn refers to an Ansys Electronics Desktop project file (.aedt).

  • For a CFD Server participant, it must refer to a CFD surface mesh file (.csv).

    Note:  Only one region may be included in the CFD mesh.

  • For a CFX participant, it must refer to a CFX-Solver input file (.def or .res).

  • For a Forte participant, it must refer a Forte solver input file (.ftsim).

  • For a Mechanical participant, it must refer to an Mechanical APDL solver input file (.dat).

  • For a Mechanical Server participant, it must refer to a Mechanical APDL modal analysis results file (.rst)

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Initial Input setting.

*BaseOutputFileName (setting)

Available for CFD Server participants.

Base output file name that is used to create the participant's output file.

The only available value is output, which means that the resulting output files written by the CFD Server will be named according to the convention output_<variable name>.csv.

Tip:   Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Base Output File Name setting.

*OverwriteExistingFiles (setting)

Available for CFD Server participants.

Boolean flag that tells the CFD Server how it should behave if the files already exist.

Possible values:

  • False: Issue an error and do not overwrite the files. (default value)

  • True: Overwrite the files without issuing an error.

Tip:   Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Overwrite Existing Files setting.

*FluentInput (singleton)

Available for Fluent participants when ExecutionControl.Option is set to ProgramControlled or UserDefined.

Contains settings to define the solver input file(s) to be used for the run.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Fluent Input branch.

*Option (setting)

Type of solver input file(s) to be used for the Fluent run.

Possible options:

  • InitialCaseFile (default value)

    A Fluent case file will be defined as a solver input for the coupled analysis run.

    When selected, the CaseFile setting is available.

    • For initial runs, System Coupling will auto-generate a Fluent journal script and populate it from the specified input file.

    • For restart runs, System Coupling will use the case and data files created by Fluent during the previous run.

    This is the best option for most general workflows.

  • InitialCaseAndDataFile

    A Fluent case file and data file will be defined as solver inputs for the coupled analysis run.

    When selected, the CaseFile and DataFile settings are available.

    • For initial runs, System Coupling will auto-generate a Fluent journal script and populate it from the specified input files.

    • For restart runs, System Coupling will use the case and data files created by Fluent during the previous run.

  • JournalFile

    A Fluent journal file will be defined as the solver input for a coupled analysis run.

    When selected, the JournalFile setting is available.

    For both initial and restart runs, System Coupling will use the specified Fluent journal script (instead of auto-generating one). This allows you to change settings (such as physics or boundary condition values) in the Fluent setup before solving and customize the run by adding commands to the journal file.

    This option is designed for expert users. For multiple restarts, ensure that you keep the journal file value up to-date.

For more information, see Setting the Fluent Input Option in the Fluent User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Fluent Input | Option setting.

*CaseFile (setting)

Available when FluentInput | Option is set to InitialCaseFile..

Case file to be used for the initial coupled analysis run.

Required. Accepts a Fluent case file (.cas, .cas.gz, or .cas.h5) with or without the extension. Default value is FFF.cas.h5. You may modify this value.

Note:  Ensure that the specified case file is valid. System Coupling does not validate input files before the solution is started.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Fluent Input | Case File setting.

*DataFile (setting)

Available for Fluent participants when FluentInput | Option is set to InitialCaseAndDataFile.

Data file to be used for the coupled analysis run.

Accepts a Fluent data file (.dat, .dat.gz, or .dat.h5). Default value is FFF.dat.h5. You may modify this value.

Note:  Ensure that the specified data file is valid. System Coupling does not validate input files before the solution is started.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Fluent Input | Data File setting.

*JournalFile (setting)

Available for Fluent participants when FluentInput | Option is set to JournalFile.

Journal file to be used for the coupled analysis run.

Required. Accepts a Fluent journal file (.jou). Default value is <ParticipantName>.jou. You may modify this value.

Note:  Ensure that the specified journal file is valid. System Coupling does not validate input files before the solution is started or restarted.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Fluent Input | Journal File setting.

*AdditionalRestartInputFile (setting)

Available for Mechanical participants for restart runs.

Set the solution input file as a file containing Mechanical APDL command snippets to modify the restarted run.

Accepts an Mechanical solver input file (.dat). Blank by default.

  • If no value is entered, then System Coupling will auto-generate a restart script named myCommands.dat and use it for the restarted run.

  • If a value is entered, then System Coupling will use the specified script for the restarted run. It will also insert a line into the Mechanical restart script just before the solve command. The line will contain an /input command that references the specified restart script, as in the example below:


    This line allows you to insert command snippets into the restart file, so the commands are executed before the solution is restarted. You may use Mechanical APDL commands that are supported for Mechanical restarts in a coupled analysis — for example, you may use the TIMINT command to control time integration for Mechanical's restart.

Note:  Ensure that the specified restart file is valid. System Coupling does not validate input files before the solution is started or restarted.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Additional Restart Input File setting.

*ParallelFraction (setting)

Core count or fraction of compute resources to be allocated to the participant. Used to partition resources across coupling participants that are running in parallel.

Accepts real values greater than or equal to 0. Default value is 1.

For more detailed information on how these fractions are applied, see Resource Allocation Fractions in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Parallel Fraction setting.

*AdditionalArguments (setting)

Arguments to be appended to the participant's executable.

Default value is None.

Additional arguments are not specified by the .scp file, but may be specified as follows:

  • Using the AddParticipant() command's AdditionalArguments argument.

  • Set in System Coupling GUI or CLI.

  • Populated by the participant. Some participants populate this setting with default values. For details, see the participant's product documentation.

When solver-specific parallel customizations are needed, you may use this method instead System Coupling's participant partitioning functionality. However, do not use the AdditionalArguments setting to supply parallel arguments if the case is set up in such a way that a parallel partitioning algorithm will be applied. For more information on using parallel additional arguments, see Parallel Processing for Participant Products.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Execution Control | Additional Arguments setting.