Properties (singleton)

Settings controlling the participant's setup.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Properties branch.

AcceptsNewInputs (setting)

Controls whether certain participant types can accept new input variables or parameters that are not defined in the SCP file or provided by the participant during setup.

The participant types are:





Possible values:

  • False (default value)

    The participant does not accept new input values or parameters.

  • True

    The participant accepts new input values or parameters. System Coupling can send an arbitrary number of additional input variables or parameters to the participant during a solve.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Properties | Accepts New Inputs setting.

TimeIntegration (setting)

Sets the coupling participant time integration method.

Possible values:

  • Implicit (default value)

    The participant uses implicit time integration internally. Its internal state, including its input and output variables, are treated as being at the end of a time step. Iterations may be required to resolve the physics coupling with other participants.

  • Explicit

    The participant uses explicit time integration internally. At each time step, its inputs are interpreted as being at the start the step and its outputs are interpreted as being at the end of the step. The participant does not need to iterate at each coupling step.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant | Properties | Time Integration setting.