CouplingParticipant (object)

Use CouplingParticipant objects to define coupling participant details.

Coupling participant objects are assigned names which are then used by System Coupling to identify the participant. Participants are named according to the convention <Participant>-<#>, where:

"Participant" is the ParticipantType
"#" is an index indicating the order in which the participant was loaded

For example, if CFX is loaded first and Mechanical is loaded second, then their participant names are CFX-1 and MAPDL-2, respectively.

Important:  Ansys recommends that you do not attempt to change participant settings by editing .scp files manually, as this may invalidate the data model and/or cause a mismatch between the analysis and its Settings file. Instead, use System Coupling's GUI or CLI to edit setting values directly in the data model so the changes are captured in the analysis Settings file.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Participant branch.