Mesh Propagation After Geometry Changes

When a mesh and blocking exists, the blocking is associated to the geometry. When the geometry changes, the block associations dictate how the blocking and resulting mesh will be updated. For the following geometry operations, the blocking updates and mesh propagation work as follows.

Note: Only the most commonly used tools are described here. Other tools behave similarly to the tools described here.
Design Tool Behavior when Blocking is present
Select Behaves the same as the Select tool in the Mesh ribbon.
Pull Behaves the same as the Pull tool in the Mesh ribbon.
Move Behaves the same as the Move tool in the Mesh ribbon.
Fill Behaves the same as the Fill tool in the Mesh ribbon.
Blend Behaves the same as the Blend tool in the Mesh ribbon.
Combine When the Combine operation is performed, the geometry is updated independent of the mesh and blocking. Blocking and mesh associations are updated to the changed geometry based on closest projection. You may need to update some associations manually. Use the Associate tool to fix any issues that may arise from changes in the geometry. If the mesh should capture the new features added to the model, use the Split Block tool or Merge Block tool adjust the blocking.
Split Body When the Split Body operation is performed, the geometry is updated independent of the mesh and blocking. Blocking and mesh associations are updated to the changed geometry based on closest projection. You may need to update some associations manually. Use the Associate tool to fix any issues that may arise from changes in the geometry. If the mesh should capture the new features added to the model, use the Split Block tool to split out those features.
Split When the Split operation is performed, the geometry is updated independent of the mesh and blocking. Blocking and mesh associations are updated to the changed geometry based on closest projection. You may need to update some associations manually. Use the Associate tool to fix any issues that may arise from changes in the geometry. If the mesh should capture the new features added to the model, use the Split Block tool to split out those features.
Project Behaves the same as the Project tool in the Mesh ribbon.

When a pattern operation is performed, the geometry instances also include blocking and mesh. When a geometry operation, mesh control or block editing operation is performed to a patterned feature, that operation is reflected in the other copies/instances.

The pattern operations have some limitations with Shared Topology, therefore it may be helpful to Unshare the topology prior to using pattern operations with blocking and mesh.


When a mirror operation is performed, the mirrored geometry will also include blocking and mesh.

When the blocking and mesh is mirrored, the mirror interface is not conformal. To make the interface conformal, you can right-click the Blocking objects in the Structure tree and then select Merge Blockings. Blocking and mesh do not respect Merge mirrored objects and Create mirror relationship in the Mirror Options panel.

The mirror operation has some limitations with Shared Topology, therefore it may be helpful to Unshare the topology prior to using mirror operations with blocking and mesh.

Assembly tool Behavior when Blocking is present

Blocking and mesh data do not get stored to external documents. It gets stored to the design document.

If you use the File option, or drag-and-drop, to assemble parts, you should right-click any external documents and then select Source > Internalize All to combine parts into the same SpaceClaim document.

Repair Tool Behavior when Blocking is present
Split Edges

When the Split Edges operation is performed, the geometry is updated independent of the mesh and blocking. Blocking and mesh associations are updated to the changed geometry based on closest projection. You may need to update some associations manually. Use the Associate tool to fix any issues that may arise from changes in the geometry.

If the mesh should ignore some features that were removed, you can use the Merge Block tool or Delete tool to simplify those features.

Extra Edges

When the Extra Edges operation is performed, the geometry is updated independent of the mesh and blocking. Blocking and mesh associations are updated to the changed geometry based on closest projection. You may need to update some associations manually. Use the Associate tool to fix any issues that may arise from changes in the geometry.

If the mesh should ignore some features that were removed, you can use the Merge Block tool or Delete tool to simplify those features.

Merge Faces

When the Merge Faces operation is performed, the geometry is updated independent of the mesh and blocking. Blocking and mesh associations are updated to the changed geometry based on closest projection. You may need to update some associations manually. Use the Associate tool to fix any issues that may arise from changes in the geometry.

If the mesh should ignore some features that were removed, you can use the Merge Block tool or Delete tool to simplify those features.