24.1. Introduction

In addition to solving transport equations for the continuous phase, Ansys Fluent allows you to simulate a discrete second phase in a Lagrangian frame of reference. This second phase consists of spherical particles (which may be taken to represent droplets or bubbles) dispersed in the continuous phase. Ansys Fluent computes the trajectories of these discrete phase entities, as well as heat and mass transfer to/from them. The coupling between the phases and its impact on both the discrete phase trajectories and the continuous phase flow can be included.

Ansys Fluent provides the following discrete phase modeling options:

  • calculation of the discrete phase trajectory using a Lagrangian formulation that includes the discrete phase inertia, hydrodynamic drag, and the force of gravity, for both steady and unsteady flows

  • prediction of the effects of turbulence on the dispersion of particles due to turbulent eddies present in the continuous phase

  • heating/cooling of the discrete phase

  • vaporization and boiling of liquid droplets

  • combusting particles, including volatile evolution and char combustion to simulate coal combustion

  • optional coupling of the continuous phase flow field prediction to the discrete phase calculations

  • droplet breakup and coalescence

  • consideration of particle/particle collisions and voidage of discrete phase

These modeling capabilities allow Ansys Fluent to simulate a wide range of discrete phase problems including particle separation and classification, spray drying, aerosol dispersion, bubble stirring of liquids, liquid fuel combustion, and coal combustion. The physical equations used for these discrete phase calculations are described in Discrete Phase in the Fluent Theory Guide, and instructions for setup, solution, and postprocessing are provided in the remaining sections of this chapter.

Alternative models for multiphase systems use the Euler-Euler approach rather than the Euler-Lagrange approach used in the Discrete Phase Model. The Euler-Euler models are discussed in Modeling Multiphase Flows along with the Dense Discrete Phase Model (DDPM) which is a hybrid Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange approach.

The Lagrangian discrete phase model can be connected to the Eulerian VOF model via VOF-to-DPM model transfer mechanisms as described in Using the VOF-to-DPM Model Transition for Dispersion of Liquid in Gas. For example, in the simulation of liquid sprays, approximately spherical liquid structures in the VOF solution can be converted automatically into Lagrangian particle parcels. This, in conjunction with dynamic solution-adaptive mesh refinement, allows for a detailed, yet time-efficient simulation of primary atomization, such as, for example, in gas turbines and internal combustion engines.

For additional information, see the following sections:

24.1.1. Concepts

This section introduces several concepts in the treatment of discrete phase particles in Fluent that are important to understand in order to get the most out of the remaining information in this chapter. Uncoupled vs. Coupled DPM

When the fluid changes the particles, there will be corresponding effects on the fluid. For example, when drag force acts on a particle, the exchange of momentum can change the fluid flow. When simulating particles using DPM, you can choose whether or not to include these effects in the flow solution; these alternatives are called Coupled and Uncoupled DPM. See Options for Interaction with the Continuous Phase for details about how to specify whether your simulation uses Coupled or Uncoupled DPM.

In Uncoupled DPM, the only purpose of the DPM particles is for postprocessing, and so particles are not tracked except when you request them, for example to calculate and display particle tracks. The particles can still change by heat and mass transfer, but the corresponding changes (such as vapor from an evaporating droplet) do not affect the flow solution.

In a Coupled DPM simulation, the effects of the particles are used to influence the flow solution. These effects are transmitted to the flow as DPM Sources. The DPM solution and the flow solution should reach a converged, self-consistent solution. Therefore, there are several options for running these solutions together—see Solution Strategies for the Discrete Phase. Steady vs. Unsteady Tracking

As described in Steps for Using the Discrete Phase Models, to set up a DPM simulation you specify the starting conditions of a set of particles by defining an injection. By specifying boundary conditions and physical sub-models, you also specify how these particles interact with other zones in the geometry and how they eventually leave the model—for instance, they might bounce off some walls but be trapped by others.

You must also specify how Fluent is to track the particles you have defined. If Steady Tracking is enabled, then, as soon as a particle is released, it is tracked until it reaches its final destination according to the specified boundary behavior (or until a fixed number of particle time steps have been used). Therefore, each particle typically travels through many cells of the model, interacting with the flow and (in a Coupled DPM simulation) changing the DPM Sources in each cell. These sources influence the flow solution for a defined number of iterations or time steps—the flow solution can be steady or unsteady. Then, if required, a new set of particle trajectories is tracked, the DPM Sources are updated, and the sequence is repeated. An example of using Steady DPM with unsteady flow is when the chosen flow models require a transient simulation, although the final goal is a steady solution.

If Unsteady Tracking is enabled, then each particle is advanced by a specified number of particle time steps, not necessarily reaching a final destination, before the flow solution is updated. When Unsteady DPM is coupled to unsteady flow solution, the particles and the flow develop in time together concurrently, although different time steps can be used for DPM and flow.

Unsteady DPM can also be coupled to steady flow solution; this makes sense if there is a continuous source of DPM particles that pass through the system. For steady or unsteady flow, there are several DPM models where Unsteady Tracking is required. For example, in spray coalescence and collision models, particles change with time on the basis of interactions with other particles, so they must be tracked simultaneously Parcels

Especially when using Coupled DPM, the mass flow rate of a particle injection will often be a required and relevant input parameter since it determines the absolute value of the DPM Sources. This mass flow rate could be converted into the number of particles injected per unit time. However, it is often prohibitive to track that number of particles in a simulation. Strictly speaking, the model therefore tracks a number of ‘parcels’, and each parcel is representative of a fraction of the total continuous mass flow rate (in Steady tracking) or a fraction of the total mass flow released in a time step (in Unsteady tracking).

It is still sometimes helpful to refer to each parcel as a representative particle, because it has a specified particle diameter, and its trajectory in fluid flow uses the relaxation time appropriate for a single particle. (The relaxation time is a ratio of particle momentum to drag force). However, the parcel’s mass (or mass flow rate) becomes important when calculating the DPM Sources: for example, if a representative droplet loses a small amount of vapor by evaporation, the overall effect from the whole parcel will typically be much larger. Other models also use the parcel mass (or mass flow rate) to calculate total concentrations of DPM material—in particular, the Dense Discrete Phase Model (DDPM) uses this concentration to feed into the volume fraction of the Eulerian phase that represents the same material. See Dense Discrete Phase Model in the Fluent Theory Guide for details of the Dense Discrete Phase Model.

The concept of parcels is particularly important in the Discrete Element Method (DEM), where parcels occupy a finite volume and obstruct other DEM parcels. The volume occupied by a parcel is calculated directly from the mass that it represents (so that a realistic density is created when parcels pack together). The equivalent ‘parcel diameter’ is used for calculating parcel-parcel contacts and forces. However, for trajectories through fluid, it is still the ‘particle diameter’ that is used. See Discrete Element Method Collision Model in the Fluent Theory Guide for details of the Discrete Element Model.

The number of parcels in a DPM model is chosen in the model settings, and not defined by the true number of particles. There are several inputs that can be used to adjust the number of parcels when defining initial conditions such as the number of injection locations and (for Unsteady Tracking) the injection frequency (Setting Initial Conditions for the Discrete Phase) Other inputs in sub-models include: the number of sizes in a size distribution (Using the Rosin-Rammler Diameter Distribution Method); the number of stochastic tries in turbulent dispersion (Specifying Turbulent Dispersion of Particles); and the breakup characteristics of some sprays (Breakup). A high number of parcels can be computationally expensive, but it is often helpful for convergence, so that no single parcel has an overwhelming effect on the flow In general you should arrange for enough parcels to produce a statistical sample, representative of the full range of particle behavior.

24.1.2. Limitations Limitation on the Particle Volume Fraction

The discrete phase formulation used by Ansys Fluent contains the assumption that the second phase is sufficiently dilute that particle-particle interactions and the effects of the particle volume fraction on the gas phase are negligible. In practice, these issues imply that the discrete phase must be present at a fairly low volume fraction, usually less than 10–12%. Note that the mass loading of the discrete phase may greatly exceed 10–12%: you may solve problems in which the mass flow of the discrete phase equals or exceeds that of the continuous phase. See Modeling Multiphase Flows for information about when you might want to use one of the general multiphase models instead of the discrete phase model.

This limitation is relaxed for some variants of DPM. For example, the Dense Discrete Phase Model (DDPM) adds effects due to friction and volume fraction, so that the concentration can approach the packing limit. Where high local concentrations of spray droplets cause coalescence and collision, these phenomena can be included in some spray models. Parcel-parcel contacts between solid particles are modeled in detail in Discrete Element Models, so that parcels can pack together closely. Limitation on the Particle Knudsen Number

In general, the discrete phase model is limited to the continuum regime where the mean free path of the continuous phase gas molecules is much smaller than the particle diameter (Knudsen Number ).

For situations where the mean free path of the gas phase is the same order of magnitude as the particle diameter, you can use the Stokes-Cunningham drag law. See Stokes-Cunningham Drag Law in the Fluent Theory Guide for additional information on this drag law. The discrete phase model should not be applied to the free-molecular flow regime (). Note that by default, Ansys Fluent limits the smallest particle diameter to 10 nm. If you want to model particles below this limit, you can set the minimum particle diameter using the define/models/dpm/options/set-minimum-particle-diameter text command. Limitation on Modeling Continuous Suspensions of Particles

The steady-particle Lagrangian discrete phase model is suited for flows in which particle streams are injected into a continuous phase flow with a well-defined entrance and exit condition. The Lagrangian model does not effectively model flows in which particles are suspended indefinitely in the continuum, as occurs in solid suspensions within closed systems such as stirred tanks, mixing vessels, or fluidized beds. The unsteady-particle discrete phase model, however, is capable of modeling continuous suspensions of particles. See Modeling Multiphase Flows for information about when you might want to use one of the general multiphase models instead of the discrete phase models. Limitations on Modeling Particle Rotation

When using rotating particles, note the following limitations:

  • In simulations with enabled stochastic particle collision models (Including Collision and Droplet Coalescence), particle rotation is not affected by particle/particle collisions.

  • Particle rotation is not available for massless particles.

  • Particle rotation is not compatible with moving reference frame simulations.

  • For atomizer injections, the initial angular velocity is set to zero.

  • The effect of the Magnus lift force on the fluid is not taken into account in DPM coupled simulations. Limitations on Using the Discrete Phase Model with Other Ansys Fluent Models

The following restrictions exist on the use of other models with the discrete phase model:

  • When tracking particles with the DPM model in combination with any of the multiphase flow models (VOF, mixture, or Eulerian—see Modeling Multiphase Flows) the Shared Memory method cannot be selected (Parallel Processing for the Discrete Phase Model). (Note that using the Message Passing or Hybrid method enables the compatibility of all multiphase flow models with the DPM model.)

  • When using the DPM model with the Eulerian multiphase model, the tracked particles rely only on the primary phase to compute drag, heat, and mass transfer. Also, any DPM related source terms are applied to the primary phase. Particle tracking relative to a secondary phase is not provided.

  • Streamwise periodic flow (either specified mass flow rate or specified pressure drop) cannot be modeled with steady particle tracks in coupled simulation. It is possible using transient particle tracks.

  • Only non-reacting particles can be included when the premixed combustion model is used.

  • Surface injections will be moved with the mesh when a sliding mesh or a moving or deforming mesh is being used, however only those surfaces associated with a boundary will be recalculated. Injections from cut plane surfaces will not be moved with the mesh and will be deleted when remeshing occurs.

  • The wall film model is only valid for liquid materials. If a nonliquid particle interacts with a wall film boundary, the boundary condition will default to the reflect boundary condition.

  • By default, particles are tracked relative to the local reference frame motion. This implies that particle injection velocities (specified in the Set Injection Properties dialog box) must also be defined relative to the reference frame motion in which the injection is located.

    If necessary, particle tracking can be done in the absolute frame of reference. To do so, you can either use the define/models/dpm/options/track-in-absolute-frame text command or enable the Track in Absolute Frame option in the Discrete Phase Model dialog box option (Numerics tab). In this case, the injection velocities must also be specified in the absolute frame.

  • Relative particle tracking cannot be used in combination with sliding and moving deforming meshes. If sliding and/or deforming meshes are used with the DPM model, the particles will always be tracked in the absolute frame. Switching to the relative frame is not permitted.

  • Surface injections that use particle release surfaces that are not based on mesh zones are not compatible with the following models:

    • Mesh motion (sliding meshes)

    • Dynamic meshes

    • Automatic adaption

  • When using the DPM model with an overset mesh, note the following:

    • The High-Res Tracking option must be enabled

    • Wall film particles cannot move between different overset meshes Limitations on Using the Hybrid Parallel Method

  • The hybrid parallel DPM tracking method is not available with the following models and features:

    • the PDF Transport model

    • the DDPM (Dense DPM) model with the Volume Fraction Approaching Packing Limit option selected in the Multiphase Model dialog box (Phases tab)

    • Graphical display of particle tracks

    • Export of particle tracks into particle history files

    If any of these models or features are used, Fluent will silently fall back to the Message Passing parallel DPM tracking option.

  • The Use DPM Domain option of the Hybrid parallel DPM tracking method will not be used in any of the following situations:

    • if the Eulerian Wall Film model is enabled

    • if the PDF Transport model is enabled

    • if the case has a dynamic zone

    • if the case has a sliding interface

    • if the case includes non-zonal surface injections (that is, injections that have positions defined through surfaces that are not zone surfaces)

    If the Use DPM Domain option is enabled in such cases, Ansys Fluent will issue a message warning that the DPM Domain is suppressed. You can avoid this message by disabling the Use DPM Domain option in the Parallel tab of the Discrete Phase Model dialog box.

    For additional limitations associated with the hybrid parallel method, see Limitations on Using the Discrete Phase Model with Other Ansys Fluent Models.