10.1. EnSight Maximums

There are some maximums that you should be aware of when producing EnSight data:

Maximum number of parts allowed.



Maximum number of variables allowed


Maximum number of nodes in a part



Maximum number of elements in a part



Maximum file name length


Maximum part name length visible in the GUI


Maximum variable name length visible in the GUI


Maximum number of Cases loaded


Maximum number of plots


Maximum number of viewports


Detailed Description of Formats

EnSight Gold Casefile Format describes in detail the EnSight Gold case, geometry, and variable file formats. This format provides the best performance for getting data into EnSight. It is readable by both EnSight and EnSight Enterprise (formerly EnSight Gold or EnSight HPC).

EnSight6 Case File Format describes in detail the EnSight6 case, geometry, and variable file formats. This format is still supported, but is a legacy format. It has most, but not all, of the options of the gold format - and a bit lower in performance.

EnSight5 Format describes in detail the EnSight5 geometry and variable file formats. This format is still supported, but is a legacy format. It is for unstructured data only.

FAST UNSTRUCTURED Results File Format describes the executive .res file that can be used with FAST unstructured solution and function files.

Movie.BYU Results File Format describes the executive .res file that can be used with Movie.BYU files.

PLOT3D Results File Format describes the executive .res file that can be used with PLOT3D solution and function files.

Server-of-Server Casefile Format describes the format of the casefile used with the server-of-server capability of EnSight.

Periodic Matchfile Format describes the file format used to explicitly specify which nodes match from one periodic instance to the next.

XY Plot Data Format describes the XY plot .dat file format.

EnSight Boundary File Format describes the format of the file which can define unstructured boundaries of structured data.

EnSight Particle Emitter File Format describes the format of the optional file containing particle trace emitter time and location information.

EnSight Rigid Body File Format describes the format of the optional executive file that relates EnSight part names or numbers to rigid body transformations.

Euler Parameter File Format describes the format of a file that contains translations and euler parameters for rigid body transformations.

Vector Glyph File Format describes the format of the optional file containing vector information such as forces or moments.

Point Part File Format describes the point part format.

Spline Control Point File Format describes the spline file format.

Multiple Case File Format describes an ascii list of Case Gold Filenames that can all be loaded together into one EnSight Case.

EnSight Embedded Python (EEP) File Format describes a portable delivery mechanism for data and scripts.

Camera Orientation File Format describes the file format for positioning and orienting the Camera.

Multi-Tiled Movie (MTM) File Format describes the file format for tiling a single large image, or for recombining two movies as stereo, or playing two movies side by side.

Turbomachinery Initialization File Format describes the file format for setting up the initialization parameters in a turbomachinery model.