10.6. Movie.BYU Results File Format

For transient cases, you must supply an EnSight result file. The result file for the Movie.BYU case is exactly the same as for EnSight5 (it is repeated below for your ease).

The Result file is an ASCII free format file that contains variable and time step information that pertains to a Particular geometry file. The following information is included in this file:

  • Number of scalar variables

  • Number of vector variables

  • Number of time steps

  • Starting file number extension and skip-by value

  • Flag that specifies whether there is changing geometry

  • Names of the files that contain the values of scalar and vector variables

  • The names of the geometry files that will be used for the changing geometry.

The format of the Movie.BYU (EnSight5) result file is as follows:

  • Line 1

  • Contains the number of scalar variables, the number of vector variables and a geometry-changing flag. (If the geometry-changing flag is 0, the geometry of the model does not change over time. If it is 1, then there is connectivity changing geometry. If it is 2, then there is coordinate only changing geometry.)

  • Line 2

  • Indicates the number of time steps that are available.

  • Line 3

  • Lists the time that is associated with each time step. There must be the same number of values as are indicated in Line 2. This "line" can actually span several lines in the file. You do not have to have one very long line.

  • Line 4

  • Specified only if more than one time step is indicated in Line 2. The two values on this line indicate the file extension value for the first time step and the offset between files. If the values on this line are 0 5, the first time step available has a subscript of 0, the second time step available has a subscript of 5, the third time step has a subscript of 10, and so on.

  • Line 5

  • Contains the names of the geometry files that will be used for changing geometry. This line exists only if the flag on Line 1 is set to 1 or 2. The geometry file name must follow the EnSight5 wild card specification.

  • Line 6 through Line [5+N] where N is the number of scalar variables specified in Line 1.

  • List BOTH the file names AND variable description that correspond to each scalar variable. There must be a file name for each scalar variable that is specified in Line 1.

  • If there is more than one time step, the file name must follow the EnSight5 wild card specification. See Note below.

  • Lines that follow the scalar variable files.

  • List the file names that correspond to each vector variable. There must be a file name for each vector variable that is specified in Line 1. If there is more than one time step, the file name must follow the EnSight5 wild card specification. See Note below.

Note:  Variable descriptions have the following restrictions:

The maximum variable name length is documented at the beginning of this chapter.

Duplicate variable descriptions are not allowed.

Leading and trailing white space will be eliminated.

Variable descriptions must not start with a numeric digit.

Variable descriptions must not contain any of the following reserved :

( [ + @ ! * $

) ] - space # ^ /

The generic format of a result file is as follows:

#_of_scalars #_of_vectors geom_chang_flag
time1 time2 time3 .....
start_file_# skip_by_value
scalar0_file_name** description (19 max)
scalar1_file_name** description
vector0_file_name** description (19 max)
vector1_file_name** description

Movie.BYU Result File Example 1

The following example illustrates a result file specified for a non-changing geometry file with only one time step:

2 1 0
exone.scl0 pressure
exone.scl1 temperature
exone.dis0 velocity

Movie.BYU Result File Example 2

This example illustrates a result file that specifies a connectivity changing geometry that has multiple time steps.

1 2 1
1.0 2.0 2.5 5.0
0 1
pres.scl** pressure
vel.dis** velocity
grad.dis** gradient

The following files would be needed for example 2:

extwo.geom00 pres.scl00 vel.dis00 grad.dis00
extwo.geom01 pres.scl01 vel.dis01 grad.dis01
extwo.geom02 pres.scl02 vel.dis02 grad.dis02
extwo.geom03 pres.scl03 vel.dis03 grad.dis03