10.12. EnSight Particle Emitter File Format

This file can be used to specify the location of emitter points. It is most useful when the user has specific (and many) emit points to use for particle traces. Rather than type them all in one at a time as a cursor emitter, this file can be used.

Note the following:

1. The first two lines need to be exactly as shown.

Version 1.0
EnSight Particle Emitter File

2. #'s as the first character on a line, are comment lines. Comment lines can be used anywhere in the file after the first two mandatory lines.

3. Time lines contain the emitter release time (floating point time value, NOT the integer time step).

4. Emit lines contain the coordinates of an emitter. The emitter will be associated with the previously specified Time .

There is one special case that may be useful to know. An option within EnSight is to have traces emitted at the "current time". You can use that option with an emitter file if your number of emitters and their locations do not change over time. Just omit the Time line in this file (and remember to set the emit at current time toggle in EnSight).

If you use an emitter and choose the pathline option, then each emitter will emit a particle trace at the indicated time.

However, if you use an emitter file and choose the streamline option, then streamlines will be emitted at all of the Emit locations at once. Some might expect this to operate as if streamlines are calculated at the 'current time' and as you move through time, previous streamlines are removed and the new streamlines are recalculated at the current timestep using the new emitter locations. This is not the way this works when you use an emitter file with changing emitter locations. Each streamline will emit at the time indicated in its Time keyword using the flowfield corresponding to that Time keyword. You will end up with groups of streamlines emitted at a common time and calculated at that common time all showing up at once and all using a relative time value all starting from 0.0. It can be quite confusing if you expect an 'emit at current time' behavior.

Sample File:

Version 1.0 
EnSight Particle Emitter File 
Time 0.249063 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0134195 -0.013926 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0131277 -0.0141079 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0128642 -0.0143178 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0155969 -0.0113572 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0150344 -0.0122012 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0146967 -0.0123587 
Time 0.249113 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0137097 -0.0136404 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0134218 -0.0138284 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0131628 -0.0140438 
Emit 0.0669737 0.01585 -0.0110264 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0152879 -0.011882 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0149536 -0.0120466 
Time 0.249163 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0139938 -0.0133488 
Emit 0.0669737 0.01371 -0.0135428 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0134555 -0.0137636 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0160612 -0.0106906 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0155347 -0.0115575 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0152039 -0.0117291 
Time 0.249213 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0142718 -0.0130512 
Emit 0.0669737 0.013992 -0.01511 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0137423 -0.0134773 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0162827 -0.0103501 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0157745 -0.0112279 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0154475 -0.0114064 
Time 0.249263 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0145433 -0.0127479 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0142679 -0.0129536 
Emit 0.0669737 0.014023 -0.013185 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0164969 -0.0100051 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0160074 -0.0108933 
Emit 0.0669737 0.0156842 -0.0110787