10.18. Multiple Case File Format

A Multiple Case File (MCF) format is a file containing a number of EnSight Case Gold filenames that are to be read together into one EnSight Case. The octothorp (#) at the first column of any line indicates that line is a comment and is ignored.


MCF_Version 1.0
#EnSight Multiple Case File (MCF) format
total number of cfiles: scan

The first line must contain MCF_Version 1.0 and following that there must be the total number of cfiles: scan keyword. Then, there must be a line cfiles: and following that, a pathname and casefile for each separate line. The * character for a pattern match, and ? for a single character match, can be used in directory or filename. The pattern subdir/*/data.case will match subdir/dir1/data.case and subdir/dir2/data.case, but will never match through multiple directories such as subdir/another/another2/dir/data.case.

Older -style MCF files are still supported, but they must begin with MCF_Version 0.0. Version 0.0 does not support the arbitrary use of wildcards as allowed by the newer versions (1.0 and later).