2.4. Rotordynamics Reference Sources

In addition to the documentation for the commands and elements used in a rotordynamic analysis, other sources of information are available to help with your analysis.

2.4.1. Internal References

Although this guide is specific to rotordynamic applications, you can refer to the following Ansys, Inc. documentation for more information about rotordynamics and related rotational phenomena:

The Mechanical APDL Verification Manual contains the following rotordynamics cases:

VM247 - Campbell Diagrams and Critical Speeds Using Symmetric Bearings
VM254 - Campbell Diagrams and Critical Speeds Using Symmetric Orthotropic Bearings
VM261 - Rotating Beam With Internal Viscous Damping

2.4.2. External References

A considerable body of literature exists covering the phenomena, modeling, and analysis of rotating structure vibrations. The following list of resources provides a good foundation for the subject:

D. Childs. Turbomachinery Dynamics. John Wiley 1993.

M. Lalanne and G. Ferraris. Rotordynamics Prediction in Engineering. John Wiley 2nd edition 1998.

G. Gienta. Dynamics of Rotating Systems. Springer 2005

H.D. Nelson and J.M. Mc Vaugh. The dynamics of rotor-bearing systems using finite elements. Journal of Engineering For Industry. May 1976. ASME.

M.Geradin and N. Kill. A new approach to finite element modelling of flexible rotors. Engineering Computations. March 1984

J. S. Rao. Rotor Dynamics. Wiley Eastern. India. 1985.