
Campbell Diagrams and Critical Speeds Using Symmetric Orthotropic Bearings



Nelson, H.D., McVaugh, J.M., “The Dynamics of Rotor-Bearing Systems Using Finite Elements”, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol 98, pp. 593-600, 1976

Analysis Type(s):Modal analysis (ANTYPE = 2)
Element Type(s):
Elastic straight pipe (PIPE16)
3D 2 Node pipe element (PIPE288)
Structural mass element (MASS21)
2D Spring damper bearing element (COMBI214)
Input Listing:vm254.dat

Test Case

A rotor-bearing system is analyzed to determine the forward and backward whirl speeds. The distributed rotor was modeled as a configuration of six elements with each element composed of subelements. See Table 11: Geometric Data of Rotor-Bearing Elements for a list of the geometrical data of the elements. Two symmetric orthotropic bearings were located at positions four and six. Modal analysis is performed on rotor bearing system with multiple load steps to determine the whirl speeds and Campbell values for the system.

Figure 432: Rotor-Bearing Configuration

Rotor-Bearing Configuration

Figure 433: Isometric View of the Rotor-Bearing System

Isometric View of the Rotor-Bearing System

Table 11: Geometric Data of Rotor-Bearing Elements

Element No.Subelement No.Axial Distance to Subelement (cm)Inner Diameter (cm)Outer Diameter (cm)
110.00 1.02
21.27 2.04
215.08 1.52
27.62 4.06
318.89 4.06
210.16 6.60
512.70 5.08
613.46 2.54
4116.51 2.54
219.05 3.04
5122.86 3.04
226.67 2.54
6128.70 2.54
230.48 7.62
331.50 4.06

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E11 = 2.078E11 Pa
G12 = 1.0E14 Pa
DENS = 7,806 kg/m3
Mass Element
Mass = 1.401 kg
Polar inertia = .002 kg m2
Diametral inertia = .00136 kg m2
Bearing Element
Spring coefficients
K11 = K22 = 3.503E7 N/m K12 = K21 = -8.756E6 N/m
Refer to Table 11: Geometric Data of Rotor-Bearing ElementsRotational Velocity
Spin (1) = 1,000 rpm
Spin (2) = 20,000 rpm
Spin (3) = 40,000 rpm
Spin (4) = 60,000 rpm
Spin (5) = 80,000 rpm
Spin (6) = 100,000 rpm

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

A modal analysis is performed on a rotor bearing system with DAMP (PIPE16) and QR Damp (PIPE288) methods to determine the whirl speeds and Campbell values. PIPE16 and PIPE288 elements are used to model the rotor shaft, MASS21 elements are used to model the rigid disk (concentrated mass), and COMBI214 elements are used to model symmetric bearings. No shear effect is included in the rotor-bearing system. The displacement along X as well as the rotation around X axis is constrained so that the rotor bearing system does not have any torsion or traction related displacements. The CORIOLIS command is activated in a stationary reference frame to apply gyroscopic effect to the rotating structure. The backward and forward whirl speeds are determined from modal analysis and compared with the numerical solution.

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
Backward and forward whirl speeds for slope = 1 @ 100,000 rpm
Mode 1 (BW)10747.000010808.63491.006
Mode 2 (FW)19665.000019610.71420.997
Mode 3 (BW)39077.000039186.31631.003
Mode 4 (FW)47549.000047690.89951.003
Mode 1 (BW)10747.000010815.96991.006
Mode 2 (FW)19665.000019622.07330.998
Mode 3 (BW)39077.000039222.33021.004
Mode 4 (FW)47549.000047772.28531.005