2.1. Commands Used in a Rotordynamic Analysis

The following commands are commonly used when performing a rotordynamic analysis:

Solver commands (/SOLU)
CAMPBELL Prepares the result file for a subsequent Campbell diagram of a prestressed structure. This command is applicable only when prestress is included in the analysis.
CMOMEGA Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis.
CORIOLIS Applies the gyroscopic effect to a rotating structure (RefFrame = YES). Also applies the rotating damping effect (RotDamp = YES).
OMEGA Specifies the rotational velocity of the structure about global Cartesian axes.
SYNCHRO Specifies whether the excitation frequency is synchronous or asynchronous with the rotational velocity of a structure in a harmonic analysis.
Postprocessing commands (/POST1)
ANHARM Produces an animation of time-harmonic results or complex mode shapes.
PLCAMP Plots Campbell diagram data.
PLORB Displays the orbital motion.
PRCAMP Prints Campbell diagram data as well as critical speeds.
PRORB Prints the orbital motion characteristics.