V Commands

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V - Defines a volume through keypoints.
V2DOPT - Specifies 2D/axisymmetric view factor calculation options.
VA - Generates a volume bounded by existing areas.
*VABS - Applies the absolute value function to array parameters.
VADD - Adds separate volumes to create a single volume.
VARDEL - Deletes a variable (GUI).
VARNAM - Names (or renames) a variable.
VATT - Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed volumes.
VCLEAR - Deletes nodes and volume elements associated with selected volumes.
*VCOL - Specifies the number of columns in matrix operations.
/VCONE - Defines the view cone angle for perspective displays.
VCROSS - Forms element table items from the cross product of two vectors.
*VCUM - Allows array parameter results to add to existing results.
VDDAM - Specifies the velocity spectrum computation constants for the analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures.
VDELE - Deletes unmeshed volumes.
VDGL - Lists keypoints of a volume that lie on a parametric degeneracy.
VDOT - Forms an element table item from the dot product of two vectors.
VDRAG - Generates volumes by dragging an area pattern along a path.
*VEC - Creates a vector.
*VEDIT - Allows numerical array parameters to be graphically edited.
VEORIENT - Specifies brick element orientation for volume mapped (hexahedron) meshing.
VEXT - Generates additional volumes by extruding areas.
*VFACT - Applies a scale factor to array parameters.
VFCO - Controls the use and level of view factor condensation for symmetric radiation.
VFDI - Specifies view factor diagnostic options.
*VFILL - Fills an array parameter.
VFOPT - Specifies options for the view factor file and calculates view factors.
VFQUERY - Queries and prints element Hemicube view factors and average view factor.
VFSM - Adjusts view factor matrix to satisfy reciprocity and/or row sum properties (view factor smoothing).
*VFUN - Performs a function on a single array parameter.
VFUP - Controls view factor updating at the substep level for a coupled-field radiation analysis that includes large-deflection effects.
VGEN - Generates additional volumes from a pattern of volumes.
*VGET - Retrieves values and stores them into an array parameter.
VGET - Moves a variable into an array parameter vector.
VGLUE - Generates new volumes by "gluing" volumes.
/VIEW - Defines the viewing direction for the display.
VIMP - Improves the quality of the tetrahedral elements in the selected volume(s).
VINP - Finds the pairwise intersection of volumes.
VINV - Finds the intersection of volumes.
*VITRP - Forms an array parameter by interpolation of a table.
*VLEN - Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter operations.
VLIST - Lists the defined volumes.
VLSCALE - Generates a scaled set of volumes from a pattern of volumes.
*VMASK - Specifies an array parameter as a masking vector.
VMESH - Generates nodes and volume elements within volumes.
VOFFST - Generates a volume, offset from a given area.
VOLUMES - Specifies "Volumes" as the subsequent status topic.
*VOPER - Operates on two array parameters.
VOVLAP - Overlaps volumes.
*VPLOT - Graphs columns (vectors) of array parameters.
VPLOT - Displays the selected volumes.
VPTN - Partitions volumes.
*VPUT - Restores array parameter values into the Mechanical APDL database.
VPUT - Moves an array parameter vector into a variable.
*VREAD - Reads data and produces an array parameter vector or matrix.
VROTAT - Generates cylindrical volumes by rotating an area pattern about an axis.
VSBA - Subtracts areas from volumes.
VSBV - Subtracts volumes from volumes.
VSBW - Subtracts intersection of the working plane from volumes (divides volumes).
/VSCALE - Scales the length of displayed vectors.
*VSCFUN - Determines properties of an array parameter.
VSEL - Selects a subset of volumes.
VSLA - Selects those volumes containing the selected areas.
*VSTAT - Lists the current specifications for the array parameters.
VSUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected volumes.
VSWEEP - Fills an existing unmeshed volume with elements by sweeping the mesh from an adjacent area through the volume.
VSYMM - Generates volumes from a volume pattern by symmetry reflection.
VTRAN - Transfers a pattern of volumes to another coordinate system.
VTYPE - Specifies the viewing procedure used to determine the form factors for the Radiation Matrix method.
/VUP - Specifies the global Cartesian coordinate system reference orientation.
*VWRITE - Writes data to a file in a formatted sequence.