Controls the use and level of view factor condensation for symmetric radiation.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Action to be performed:



Defines the level of view factor condensation (default).



Resets the level of view factor condensation to 0 for all enclosures. All subsequent arguments are ignored.



Outputs the LEVEL of view factor condensation for each enclosure in the model.


Previously defined enclosure number for the view factor adjustment.


Key that controls the level of condensation used in calculating the view factor matrix for models with symmetry. Efficiency gains increase with increasing values of LEVEL.



View factor condensation is turned off (default). The view factor matrix is calculated for all facets, as described in View Factor Matrix: General in the Theory Reference.



View factor condensation is turned on. With condensation on, view factors for dependent facets are not calculated, which reduces solution time for models with symmetry. The view factor matrix is calculated only for independent facets as described in View Factor Matrix for a Model with Symmetry in the Theory Reference. This option achieves better efficiency than LEVEL = 0. Element NMISC data is written to the results file for both independent and dependent facets.*GET,,RAD,,NETHF, which also uses element fluxes, is based on independent and dependent facets.



This option achieves even more efficiency gains than LEVEL = 1, but it requires more memory and loses some information. Note that when LEVEL = 2 is used, dependent facets are unselected, and no element NMISC data is written to the results file for dependent facets. The same is true for *GET,,RAD,,NETHF, which also uses element fluxes and is based on independent facets only.


If view factor condensation is turned on (VFCO,,ENCL,1 or VFCO,,ENCL,2):

VFCO must be issued before the view factors are computed by issuing either VFOPT,NEW or SOLVE.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.