*VGET, ParR, Entity, ENTNUM, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, KLOOP
Retrieves values and stores them into an array parameter.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Argument Descriptions


The name of the resulting vector array parameter. See *SET for name restrictions. The program creates the array parameter if it does not exist.


Entity keyword. Valid keywords are NODE, ELEM, KP, LINE, AREA, VOLU, etc. as shown for Entity = in the tables below.


The number of the entity (as shown for ENTNUM = in the tables below).


The name of a particular item for the given entity. Valid items are as shown in the Item1 columns of the tables below.


The number (or label) for the specified Item1 (if any). Valid IT1NUM values are as shown in the IT1NUM columns of the tables below. Some Item1 labels do not require an IT1NUM value.

Item2, IT2NUM

A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data is to be retrieved. Most items do not require this level of information.


Field to be looped on:

0 or 2 -- 

Loop on the ENTNUM field (default).

3 -- 

Loop on the Item1 field.

4 -- 

Loop on the IT1NUM field. Successive items are as shown with IT1NUM.

5 -- 

Loop on the Item2 field.

6 -- 

Loop on the IT2NUM field. Successive items are as shown with IT2NUM.


Retrieves values for specified items and stores the values in an output vector of a user-named array parameter according to:

ParR = f(Entity, ENTNUM, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM)

where (f) is the *GET function; Entity, Item1, and Item2 are keywords; and ENTNUM, IT1NUM, and IT2NUM are numbers or labels corresponding to the keywords. Looping continues over successive entity numbers (ENTNUM) for the KLOOP default. For example, *VGET,A(1),ELEM,5,CENT,X returns the centroid x-location of element 5 and stores the result in the first location of A. Retrieving continues with element 6, 7, 8, etc., regardless of whether the element exists or is selected, until successive array locations are filled. Use *VLEN or *VMASK to skip locations. Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to the result parameter (*VABS, *VFACT). Results may be cumulative (*VCUM). See the *VOPER command for general details. Results can be put back into an analysis by writing a file of the desired input commands with the *VWRITE command. See also the *VPUT command.

Both *GET and *VGET retrieve information from the active data stored in memory. The database is often the source, and sometimes the information is retrieved from common memory blocks that Mechanical APDL uses to manipulate information. Although POST1 and POST26 operations use a *.rst file, GET data is accessed from the database or from the common blocks. Get operations do not access the *.rst file directly.

The *VGET command retrieves both the unprocessed real and the imaginary parts (original and duplicate sector nodes and elements) of a cyclic symmetry solution.

Each of the sections for accessing *VGET parameters are shown in the following order:

This command is valid in any processor.


Table 231: *VGET PREP7 Items, Entity = NODE

Entity = NODE, ENTNUM = n (node number)
*VGET, ParR, NODE, n, Item1, IT1NUM, , , KLOOP
LOCX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z location in the active coordinate system
ANGXY, YZ, ZXTHXY, THYZ, THZX rotation angle
NSEL Select status of node n: -1 = unselected, 0 = undefined, 1 = selected
NLIST Returns the list of selected nodes (ENTNUM is ignored)

Table 232: *VGET PREP7 Items, Entity = ELEM

Entity = ELEM, ENTNUM = n (element number)
*VGET, ParR, ELEM, n, Item1, IT1NUM, , , KLOOP
NODE1, 2, ... 20Node number at position 1, 2, ... 20 of element n
CENTX, Y, ZCentroid X, Y, or Z location (based on shape function) in the active coordinate system
ADJ1, 2, ... 6Number of elements adjacent to face 1, 2, ... 6
ATTRnameNumber assigned to specified attribute; name = MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, ENAM, or SECN
GEOM Characteristic element geometry. Length of line element (straight line between ends), area of area element, or volume of volume element. Issuing *VGET for an element returns a signed value. To always get a positive value, issue *VABS,1 prior to issuing the *VGET command.
ESEL Select status of element n: -1 = unselected, 0 = undefined, 1 = selected
SHPARTestElement shape test result for selected element n, where Test = ASPE (aspect ratio), JACR (Jacobian ratio), MAXA (maximum corner angle), PARA (deviation from parallelism of opposite edges), or WARP (warping factor)
ELIST Returns the list of selected elements (ENTNUM is ignored)

Table 233: *VGET PREP7 Items, Entity = KP

Entity = KP, ENTNUM = n (keypoint number)
*VGET, ParR, KP, n, Item1, IT1NUM, , , KLOOP
LOCX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z location in the active coordinate system
ATTRnameNumber assigned to specified attribute; name = MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, NODE, or ELEM
DIV Divisions (element size setting) from KESIZE
KSEL Select status of keypoint n: -1 = unselected, 0 = undefined, 1 = selected
KLIST Returns the list of selected keypoints (ENTNUM is ignored)

Table 234: *VGET PREP7 Items, Entity = LINE

Entity = LINE, ENTNUM = n (line number)
*VGET, ParR, LINE, n, Item1, IT1NUM, , , KLOOP
KP1, 2Keypoint number at position 1 or 2
ATTRnameNumber assigned to specified attribute; name = MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, NNOD, NELM, or NDIV (NNOD = number of nodes, NELM = number of elements, NDIV = number of divisions)
LENG Length
LSEL Select status of line n: -1 = unselected, 0 = undefined, 1 = selected
LLIST Returns the list of selected lines (ENTNUM is ignored)

Table 235: *VGET PREP7 Items, Entity = AREA

Entity = AREA, ENTNUM = n (area number)
*VGET, ParR, AREA, n, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, KLOOP
LOOP1,2, ...LINE1, 2, ... pIT1NUM is the loop number, and must be input if LINE is to be retrieved. IT2NUM is line number at position 1, 2, ... p
ATTRname  Number assigned to specified attribute; name = MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, SECN, NNOD, or NELM (NNOD = number of nodes, NELM = number of elements)
AREA-Area (after last ASUM)
ASEL-Select status of area n: -1 = unselected, 0 = undefined, 1 = selected
ALIST-Returns the list of selected areas (ENTNUM is ignored)

Table 236: *VGET PREP7 Items, Entity = VOLU

Entity = VOLU, ENTNUM = n (volume number)
*VGET, ParR, VOLU, n, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, KLOOP
SHELL1, 2, ...AREA1, 2, ... pIT1NUM is the shell number, and must be input if AREA is to be retrieved. IT2NUM is area number at position 1, 2 ... p
ATTRname  Number assigned to specified attribute; name = MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, NNOD, or NELM (NNOD = number of nodes, NELM = number of elements)
VOLU-Volume (after last VSUM)
VSEL-Select status of volume n: -1 = unselected, 0 = undefined, 1 = selected
VLIST-Returns the list of selected volumes (ENTNUM is ignored)

Table 237: *VGET PREP7 Items, Entity = CDSY

Entity = CDSY, ENTNUM = n (coordinate system number)
*VGET, ParR, CDSY, n, Item1, IT1NUM, , , KLOOP
LOCX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z origin location (global Cartesian coordinate)
ANGXY, YZ, ZXTHXY, THYZ, or THZX rotation angle (°) relative to the global Cartesian coordinate system
ATTRnameNumber assigned to specified attribute; name = KCS, KTHET, KPHI, PAR1, or PAR2. If the coordinate system is undefined, KCS returns as -1.0

Table 238: *VGET PREP7 Items, Entity = RCON

Entity = RCON, ENTNUM = n (real constant set number)
*VGET, ParR, RCON, n, Item1, IT1NUM, , , KLOOP
CONST1, 2, ... mReal constant value for constant 1, 2, ... m

Table 239: *VGET PREP7 Items, Entity = TLAB

Entity = TLAB, ENTNUM = n (TLAB is the Lab data table label on the TB command. n is the material number.)
*VGET, ParR, TLAB, n, Item1, IT1NUM, , , KLOOP
TEMPvalCONSTnumvalue is the temperature value at which to retrieve table data. num is the constant number whose value is to be retrieved. For constants input as X, Y points, the constant numbers are consecutive with the X constants being the odd numbers, beginning with one.


Note:  Vector items are in the active results coordinate system unless otherwise specified.

Table 240: *VGET POST1 Items, Entity = CYCCALC

Entity = CYCCALC, ENTNUM = n (CYCSPEC specification number)
*VGET, ParR, CYCCALC, n, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, KLOOP
FREQFrequency pointSECTORsectorCYCSPEC results at the IT1NUM frequency or sector (depending on KLOOP)
SECMAX CYCSPEC maximum results

The frequency point refers to the harmonic solution data set number (NSET on the SET command).

For KLOOP = 4 or SECMAX, returns the requested sector results for all frequencies and IT1NUM is ignored.

For KLOOP = 6, returns the requested frequency results for all sectors and IT2NUM is ignored.

All other KLOOP options are invalid.

Table 241: *VGET POST1 Items, Entity = ELEM

Entity = ELEM, ENTNUM = n (element number)
*VGET, ParR, ELEM, n, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, KLOOP
ETABLabelAny user-defined element table label (see ETABLE command)
NodeElement node number

Applicable to SHELL294:

Item2 = BFE, IT2NUM = TEMP, Temperature variation through-the-thickness versus the coordinate along the thickness at a particular node. If KEYOPT(8)=1 and there are n material layers, then ParR has 2*n components with the thickness coordinate stored in the first half, and the corresponding temperature values stored in the second half. If KEYOPT(8)=0, then only bottom and top coordinates and their corresponding temperatures are stored, irrespective of the number of material layers.

Table 242: *VGET POST1 Items, Entity = MEMBER

Entity = MEMBER, ENTNUM = N (GroupID)
TEMPMIN, MAXMinimum or maximum temperature of members (individual reinforcings) with GroupID = N in the selected set of reinforcing elements

Table 243: *VGET POST1 Items, Entity = NODE, Element Nodal Results

Entity = NODE, ENTNUM = n (node number)
*VGET, ParR, NODE, n, Item1, IT1NUM, , , KLOOP
SX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent stressItem2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels are:

AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results.

ESOL- Use element-based results only.

NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only.

1, 2, 3Principal stress
INT, EQVStress intensity or equivalent stress
EPTOX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent total strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR) 
1, 2, 3Principal total strain 
INT, EQVTotal strain intensity or total equivalent strain 
EPELX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent elastic strainItem2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels are:

AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results.

ESOL- Use element-based results only.

NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only.

1, 2, 3Principal elastic strain
INT, EQVElastic strain intensity or elastic equivalent strain
EPPLX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent plastic strainItem2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels are:

AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results.

ESOL- Use element-based results only.

NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only.

1, 2, 3Principal plastic strain
INT, EQVPlastic strain intensity or plastic equivalent strain
EPCRX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent creep strainItem2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels are:

AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results.

ESOL- Use element-based results only.

NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only.

1, 2, 3Principal creep strain
INT, EQVCreep strain intensity or creep equivalent strain
EPTHX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent thermal strainItem2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels are:

AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results.

ESOL- Use element-based results only.

NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only.

1, 2, 3Principal thermal strain
INT, EQVThermal strain intensity or thermal equivalent strain
EPSW Swelling strainItem2 controls whether nodal-averaged results are used. Valid labels are:

AUTO - Use nodal-averaged results, if available. Otherwise use element-based results.

ESOL- Use element-based results only.

NAR - Use nodal-averaged results only.

EPDIX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent diffusion strain 
1, 2, 3Principal diffusion strain 
INT, EQVDiffusion strain intensity or diffusion equivalent strain 
NLSEPLEquivalent stress (from stress-strain curve) 
SRATStress state ratio 
HPRESHydrostatic pressure 
EPEQAccumulated equivalent plastic strain 
CREQAccumulated equivalent creep strain. 
PSVPlastic state variable 
PLWKPlastic work/volume 
HSX, Y, ZComponent magnetic field intensity from current sources (in the global Cartesian coordinate system) 
BFETEMPBody temperatures (calculated from applied temperatures) as used in solution 
TGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent thermal gradient and sum 
TFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent thermal flux and sum 
PGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent pressure gradient and sum 
EFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electric field and sum 
DX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electric flux density and sum 
HX, Y, Z, SUMComponent magnetic field intensity and sum 
BX, Y, Z, SUMComponent magnetic flux density and sum 
FMAGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electromagnetic force and sum 
CONTSTATContact status 
PENEContact penetration 
PRESContact pressure 
SFRICContact friction stress 
STOTContact total stress (pressure plus friction) 
SLIDEContact sliding distance 
GAPContact gap distance 
FLUXTotal heat flux at contact surface 
CNOSTotal number of contact status changes during substep 
FPRSActual applied fluid penetration pressure 
Element nodal results are the average nodal value of the selected elements

Table 244: *VGET POST1 Items, Entity = NODE, Nodal Degree of Freedom Results

Entity = NODE, ENTNUM = n (node number)
*VGET, ParR, NODE, n, Item1, IT1NUM, , , KLOOP
UX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z structural displacement
ROTX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z structural rotation
TEMP Temperature. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use TBOT, TE2, TE3, ..., TTOP instead of TEMP. Alternative get functions: TEMP(N), TBOT(N), TE2(N), etc.
PRES Pressure
VOLT Electric potential
MAG Magnetic scalar potential
VX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z fluid velocity; X, Y, or Z nodal velocity in a transient structural analysis (analysis with ANTYPE,TRANS)
AX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z magnetic vector potential; X, Y or Z nodal acceleration in a transient structural analysis (analysis with ANTYPE,TRANS)
CURR Current
EMF Electromotive force drop

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>Parameters>Get Array Data