*VSCFUN, ParR, Func, Par1
Determines properties of an array parameter.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Argument Descriptions


The name of the resulting scalar parameter. See *SET for name restrictions.



MAX -- 

Maximum: the maximum Par1 array element value.

MIN -- 

Minimum: the minimum Par1 array element value.

LMAX -- 

Index location of the maximum Par1 array element value. Array Par1 is searched starting from its specified index.

LMIN -- 

Index location of the minimum Par1 array element value. Array Par1 is searched starting from its specified index.


Index location of the first nonzero value in array Par1. Array Par1 is searched starting from its specified index.

LAST -- 

Index location of the last nonzero value in array Par1. Array Par1 is searched starting from its specified index.

SUM -- 

Sum: Par1 (the summation of the Par1 array element values).

MEDI -- 

Median: value of Par1 at which there are an equal number of values above and below.

MEAN -- 

Mean: (σ Par1)/NUM, where NUM is the number of summed values.

VARI -- 

Variance: (σ ((Par1-MEAN)**2))/NUM.

STDV -- 

Standard deviation: square root of VARI.

RMS -- 

Root-mean-square: square root of (σ (Par1**2))/NUM.

NUM -- 

Number: the number of summed values (masked values are not counted).


Array parameter vector in the operation.


Operates on one input array parameter vector and produces one output scalar parameter according to:

ParR = f(Par1)

where the functions (f) are described below. The starting array element number must be defined for the array parameter vector. For example, *VSCFUN,MU,MEAN,A(1) finds the mean of the A vector values, starting from the first value and stores the result as parameter MU. Operations use successive array elements (*VLEN, *VMASK) with the default being all successive array elements. Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to all parameters (*VABS, *VFACT). Results may be cumulative (*VCUM). See the *VOPER command for details.

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Vector-Scalar Func