N Commands

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N - Defines a node.
NANG - Rotates a nodal coordinate system by direction cosines.
NAXIS - Generates nodes for general axisymmetric element sections.
NCNV - Sets the key to terminate an analysis.
NDELE - Deletes nodes.
NDIST - Calculates and lists the distance between two nodes.
NDSURF - Generates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node.
NEQIT - Specifies the maximum number of equilibrium iterations for nonlinear analyses.
/NERR - Limits the number of warning and error messages displayed.
NFORCE - Sums the nodal forces and moments of elements attached to nodes.
NGEN - Generates additional nodes from a pattern of nodes.
NKPT - Defines a node at an existing keypoint location.
NLADAPTIVE - Defines the criteria under which the mesh is refined or modified during a nonlinear solution.
NLDIAG - Sets nonlinear diagnostics functionality.
NLDPOST - Gets element component information from nonlinear diagnostic files.
NLGEOM - Includes large-deflection effects in a static or full transient analysis.
NLHIST - Specify results items to track during solution.
NLIST - Lists nodes.
NLMESH - Controls remeshing in nonlinear adaptivity.
NLOG - Forms the natural log of a variable.
NLOPT - Specifies "Nonlinear analysis options" as the subsequent status topic.
NMODIF - Modifies an existing node.
NODES - Specifies "Nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
/NOERASE - Prevents the screen erase between displays.
/NOLIST - Suppresses the data input listing.
NOOFFSET - Prevents the CDREAD command from offsetting specified data items
/NOPR - Suppresses the expanded interpreted input data listing.
NORA - Rotates nodal coordinate systems to surface normal
NORL - Rotates nodal coordinate systems perpendicular to line normal
/NORMAL - Allows displaying area elements by top or bottom faces.
NPLOT - Displays nodes.
NPRINT - Defines which time points stored are to be listed.
NREAD - Reads nodes from a file.
NREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified nodes.
NRLSUM - Specifies the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) sum mode combination method.
*NRM - Computes the norm of the specified matrix or vector.
NROPT - Specifies the Newton-Raphson options in a static or full transient analysis.
NROTAT - Rotates nodal coordinate systems into the active system.
NRRANG - Specifies the range of nodes to be read from the node file.
NSCALE - Generates a scaled set of nodes from a pattern of nodes.
NSEL - Selects a subset of nodes.
NSLA - Selects those nodes associated with the selected areas.
NSLE - Selects those nodes attached to the selected elements.
NSLK - Selects those nodes associated with the selected keypoints.
NSLL - Selects those nodes associated with the selected lines.
NSLV - Selects those nodes associated with the selected volumes.
NSMASS - Applies nonstructural mass to selected elements.
NSMOOTH - Smooths selected nodes among selected elements.
NSOL - Specifies nodal data to be stored from the results file.
NSORT - Sorts nodal data.
NSTORE - Defines which time points are to be stored.
NSUBST - Specifies the number of substeps to be taken this load step.
NSVR - Defines the number of variables for user-programmable element options.
NSYM - Generates a reflected set of nodes.
/NUMBER - Specifies whether numbers, colors, or both are used for displays.
NUMCMP - Compresses the numbering of defined items.
NUMEXP - Specifies solutions to be expanded from mode-superposition analyses or substructure analyses.
NUMMRG - Merges coincident or equivalently defined items.
NUMOFF - Adds a number offset to defined items.
NUMSTR - Establishes starting numbers for automatically numbered items.
NUMVAR - Specifies the number of variables allowed in POST26.
NUSORT - Restores original order for nodal data.
NWPAVE - Moves the working plane origin to the average location of nodes.
NWPLAN - Defines the working plane using three nodes.
NWRITE - Writes nodes to a file.