NSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KABS
Selects a subset of nodes.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Label identifying the type of select:



Select a new set (default).



Reselect a set from the current set.



Additionally select a set and extend the current set.



Unselect a set from the current set.



Restore the full set.



Unselect the full set.



Invert the current set (selected becomes unselected and vice versa).



Display the current select status.

The following fields are used only with Type = S, R, A, or U:


Label identifying data. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a component label. If Item = PICK (or simply "P"), graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). Defaults to NODE.


Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.


Minimum value of item range. Ranges are node numbers, set numbers, coordinate values, load values, or result values as appropriate for the item. A component name (as specified on the CM command) may also be substituted for VMIN (VMAX and VINC are ignored).


Maximum value of item range. VMAX defaults to VMIN for input values. For result values, VMAX defaults to infinity if VMIN is positive, or to zero if VMIN is negative.


Value increment within range. Used only with integer ranges (such as for node and set numbers). Defaults to 1. VINC cannot be negative.


Absolute value key:



Check sign of value during selection.



Use absolute value during selection (sign ignored).

Command Default

All nodes are selected.


Selects a subset of nodes. For example, to select a new set of nodes based on node numbers 1 through 7, use NSEL,S,NODE,,1,7. The subset is used when the ALL label is entered (or implied) on other commands, such as NLIST,ALL. Only data identified by node number are selected. Data are flagged as selected and unselected; no data are actually deleted from the database.

When selecting nodes by results, the full graphics value is used, regardless of whether PowerGraphics is on.

Solution result data consists of two types, 1) nodal degree of freedom--results initially calculated at the nodes (such as displacement, temperature, pressure, etc.), and 2) element--results initially calculated elsewhere (such as at an element integration point or thickness location) and then recalculated at the nodes (such as stresses, strains, etc.). Various element results also depend upon the recalculation method and the selected results location (AVPRIN, RSYS, FORCE, LAYER and SHELL).

You must have all the nodes (corner and midside nodes) on the external face of the element selected to use Item = EXT.

This command is valid in any processor.

For Selects based on non-integer numbers (coordinates, results, etc.), items that are within the range VMIN-Toler and VMAX+Toler are selected. The default tolerance Toler is based on the relative values of VMIN and VMAX as follows:

  • If VMIN = VMAX, Toler = 0.005 x VMIN.

  • If VMIN = VMAX = 0.0, Toler = 1.0E-6.

  • If VMAX ≠ VMIN, Toler = 1.0E-8 x (VMAX-VMIN).

Use the SELTOL command to override this default and specify Toler explicitly.

Table 200: NSEL - Valid Item and Component Labels

Valid Item and Component Labels NSEL, Type,Item,Comp,VMIN,VMAX,VINC,KABS
Valid item and component labels for input values are:
NODE Node number.
EXT Nodes on exterior of selected elements (ignore remaining fields).
LOCX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z location in the active coordinate system.
ANGXY, YZ, ZXTHXY, THYZ, or THZX rotation angle.
M Master node number.
CP Coupled set number.
CE Constraint equation set number.
DUAny of X, Y, or Z structural displacements. Amplitude only, if complex.
"UX, UY, UZX, Y, or Z structural displacement. Amplitude only, if complex.
"ROTAny of X, Y, or Z structural rotations. Amplitude only, if complex.
"ROTX, ROTY, ROTZX, Y, or Z structural rotation. Amplitude only, if complex.
"TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOPTemperature.
"PRESPressure (for example, PRES degree of freedom for acoustic elements).
"VOLTElectric potential.
"MAGMagnetic scalar potential.
"VAny of X, Y, or Z fluid velocities.
"VX, VY, VZX, Y, or Z fluid velocity.
"AZ2D magnetic vector potential. Amplitude only, if complex.
"EMFElectromotive force drop.
FFAny of X, Y, or Z structural forces. Amplitude only, if complex.
"FX, FY, FZX, Y, or Z structural force. Amplitude only, if complex.
"MAny of X, Y, or Z structural moments. Amplitude only, if complex
"MX, MY, MZX, Y, or Z structural moment. Amplitude only, if complex.
"HEAT, HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOPHeat flow.
"FLOWFluid flow.
"AMPSCurrent flow.
"FLUXMagnetic flux.
"CSGZMagnetic current segment component. Amplitude only, if complex.
 RATEDiffusion flow rate.
"CHRGElectric charge.
"CHRGDElectric charge density.
BFTEMPNodal temperature.
"FLUENodal fluence.
"HGENNodal heat generation rate.
"JSAny of X, Y, or Z current densities. Amplitude only, if complex.
"JSX, JSY, JSZX, Y, or Z current density. Amplitude only, if complex.
"MVDIMagnetic virtual displacements flag.
"DGENNodal diffusing substance generation rate.

Table 201: NSEL - Valid Item and Component Labels for Nodal DOF Result Values

UX, Y, Z, SUMX, Y, or Z structural displacement or vector sum.
ROTX, Y, Z, SUMX, Y, or Z structural rotation or vector sum.
TEMP Temperature.
PRES Pressure.
VOLT Electric potential.
MAG Magnetic scalar potential.
VX, Y, Z, SUMX, Y, or Z fluid velocity or vector sum.
AX, Y, Z, SUMX, Y, or Z magnetic vector potential or vector sum.
CONC Concentration.
CURR Current.
EMF Electromotive force drop.

Table 202: NSEL - Valid Item and Component Labels for Element Result Values

SX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent stress.
"1, 2, 3Principal stress.
"INT, EQVStress intensity or equivalent stress.
EPTOX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent total strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR).
"1,2,3Principal total strain.
"INT, EQVTotal strain intensity or total equivalent strain.
EPELX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent elastic strain.
"1, 2, 3Principal elastic strain.
"INT, EQVElastic strain intensity or elastic equivalent strain.
EPPLX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent plastic strain.
"1,2,3Principal plastic strain.
"INT, EQVPlastic strain intensity or plastic equivalent strain.
EPCRX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent creep strain.
"1,2,3Principal creep strain.
"INT, EQVCreep strain intensity or creep equivalent strain.
EPTHX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent thermal strain.
"1, 2, 3Principal thermal strain.
"INT, EQVThermal strain intensity or thermal equivalent strain.
EPSW Swelling strain.
EPDIX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent diffusion strain.
"1, 2, 3Principal diffusion strain.
"INT, EQVDiffusion strain intensity or diffusion equivalent strain.
NLSEPLEquivalent stress (from stress-strain curve).
"SRATStress state ratio.
"HPRESHydrostatic pressure.
"EPEQAccumulated equivalent plastic strain.
"CREQAccumulated equivalent creep strain.
"PSVPlastic state variable.
"PLWKPlastic work/volume.
CONTSTAT1Contact status.
"PENEContact penetration.
"PRESContact pressure.
"SFRICContact friction stress.
"STOTContact total stress (pressure plus friction).
"SLIDEContact sliding distance.
TGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent thermal gradient or vector sum.
TFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent thermal flux or vector sum.
PGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent pressure gradient or vector sum.
EFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electric field or vector sum.
DX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electric flux density or vector sum.
HX, Y, Z, SUMComponent magnetic field intensity or vector sum.
BX, Y, Z, SUMComponent magnetic flux density or vector sum.
CGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent concentration gradient or vector sum
DFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent diffusion flux density or vector sum
FMAGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electromagnetic forces or vector sum.

  1. For more information on the meaning of contact status and its possible values, see Reviewing Results in POST1 in the Contact Technology Guide.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Delete Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Pre-tens Elemnts
Utility Menu>Select>Entities