*NRM, Name, NormType, ParR, Normalize
Computes the norm of the specified matrix or vector.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Argument Descriptions


Matrix or vector for which the norm will be computed. This can be a dense matrix (created by the *DMAT command), a sparse matrix (created by the *SMAT command) or a vector (created by the *VEC command)


Mathematical norm to use:

NRM2 -- 

L2 (Euclidian or SRSS) norm (default).

NRM1 -- 

L1 (absolute sum) norm (vectors and dense matrices only).


Maximum norm.


Parameter name that contains the result.


Normalization key; to be used only for vectors created by *VEC:

YES -- 

Normalize the vector such that the norm is 1.0.

NO -- 

Do not normalize the vector (default).


The NRM2 option corresponds to the Euclidian or L2 norm and is applicable to either vectors or matrices:


, where is the complex conjugate of

, = largest eigenvalue of

The NRM1 option corresponds to the L1 norm and is applicable to vectors and dense matrices:

or ,

or ,

The NRMINF option is the maximum norm and is applicable to either vectors or matrices:

or ,

or ,

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.