1.3. Commands Used in a Cyclic Symmetry Analysis

The most important command in an automated cyclic symmetry analysis is CYCLIC, which initiates a cyclic analysis and configures the database accordingly. The command automatically detects cyclic symmetry model information such as edge components, the number of sectors, the sector angles, and the corresponding cyclic coordinate system.

The ANTYPE command specifies the analysis type (for example, static, modal or buckling), and the SOLVE command obtains the cyclic solution.

Other cyclic-specific commands include:

  • CYCOPT for specifying solution options (/PREP7 and /SOLU)

  • /CYCEXPAND for graphically expanding displacements, stresses and strains of a cyclically symmetric model (/PREP7 and /POST1)

  • CYCPHASE for determining minimum and maximum possible modal result values from frequency couplets during postprocessing (/POST1)

  • EXPAND as an alternate method for displaying the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.

Depending upon the type of cyclic symmetry analysis that you want to perform and your specific needs, it may be necessary to issue other commands. For example:

The sections of this document describing various cyclic symmetry analyses mention such commands as necessary. For more information, see Cyclic Symmetry Overview.