Chapter 1: 2D-to-3D Analysis

It is sometimes necessary to extend 2D nonlinear finite element results to a corresponding extruded 3D body such that the solution can continue based on the 3D model.

For example, in a tire analysis, the 2D axisymmetric tire-inflation results must be extended to an extruded 3D tire model before a footprint analysis can be performed.

The 2D-to-3D analysis capability extrudes (EEXTRUDE) a 2D deformed mesh to a new 3D mesh. The program updates the database as necessary, generates contact elements if needed, and transfers boundary conditions, loads and nodal temperatures from the 2D mesh to the extruded 3D mesh. All solved variables (node and element solutions) are then mapped (MAP2DTO3D) to the new 3D mesh, and the program rebalances solutions for the 3D model automatically.

To study 2D-to-3D analysis examples, see Threaded Connection Analysis and Tire Performance Simulation in the Technology Showcase: Example Problems.