1.6. 2D-to-3D Analysis Restrictions

The following limitations apply to a 2D-to-3D analysis:

  • You cannot use remeshing commands within the 2D-to-3D analysis environment (that is, after MAP2DTO3D,START and before MAP2DTO3D,FINISH). The incompatible commands include REMESH,READ, REMESH,SPLIT, and AREMESH.

  • Axisymmetric extrusion with zero offset of nodes about the Y axis is not supported.

  • 2D plane stress (KEYOPT(3) = 0 or KEYOPT(3) = 3) and generalized plane strain (KEYOPT(3) = 5) elements are not supported.

  • Layered solid elements are not supported.

  • Enhanced strain element technology is not supported.

  • Surface elements are not supported.

  • ESOL for the POST26 postprocessor is not supported and the command is ignored.