2.4.3. Suppressing Objects

Suppression Behaviors

Mechanical provides an option to suppress tree Outline objects. This feature enables you to remove an individual object or multiple objects from the analysis. Any corresponding (scoped) objects are also affected. For example, when you suppress a part, the application automatically removes the part from the display, under-defines any object that is scoped to the part, and clears data from all solution objects.

This can be useful when you are applying different types of loading conditions. You can quickly include and/or remove conditions through suppression. Not all tree objects provide the suppression capability.

For child objects of the Geometry and the Environment objects: the application removes suppressed objects from the solution process. You can also use the Grouping feature on the Geometry object to select and suppress (and unsuppress) one or more objects.

For the Solution object: the application clears result data for suppressed objects and the object is not included during any subsequent solution processing. You can use this feature to remove under-defined result objects and/or perform comparisons for different result types.

How to Suppress or Unsuppress Objects

If available, set the Suppressed option in the Details view to Yes. Conversely, you can unsuppress items by setting the Suppressed option to No.

You can also suppress/unsuppress these items through context menu options available via a right mouse button click. Included is the context menu option Invert Suppressed Body Set, which enables you to reverse the suppression state of all bodies (unsuppressed bodies become suppressed and suppressed bodies become unsuppressed). You can suppress the bodies in a named selection using either the context menu options mentioned above, or through the Named Selection group.

Another way to suppress a body is by selecting it in the Geometry window, then using a right mouse button click in the Geometry window and choosing Suppress Body in the context menu. Conversely, the Unsuppress All Bodies option is available for unsuppressing bodies. Options are also available in this menu for hiding or showing bodies. Hiding a body only removes the body from the display. A hidden body is still active in the analysis.