16.1.4. Restart Analysis

  • This group is displayed in the Details view only if restart points are available. Restart points can be generated by adjusting the settings in the Restart Controls group. You will also need to set Delete Unneeded Files, under the Analysis Data Management group to No so that restart point files are retained after a solve.

  • When you use the Specify option of the Load Step property to specify a load step value during a Static Structural analysis, the Program Controlled setting of the Auto Time Stepping property for the specified load step will not set any sub-step or time increment information. In this scenario, the application uses the sub-steps or time increment value specified for the solution not including restart.

  • The ability to restart a solution is not supported if you switch from a shared memory solution to a Distributed Solution.

The Restart Analysis group is available for the following analysis types:

These control whether to use restart points in subsequent solution restarts. If restart points should be used, Load Step, Substep and Time help reveal the point's identity in the calculation sequence.

Note:  When using a modal system database from a version prior to the most current version of Mechanical, it is possible to encounter incompatibility of the file.esav, created by a linked static structural system. This incompatibility can cause the modal system’s solution to fail. In the event you experience this issue, use the Clear Generated Data feature and resolve the static structural system.

The Restart Analysis category properties include:

  • Restart Type: By default, Mechanical tracks the state of restart points and selects the most appropriate point when set to Program Controlled. You may choose different restart points by setting this to Manual, however. To disable solution restarts altogether, set it to Off.

  • Current Restart Point: This option lets you choose which restart point to use. This option is displayed only if the Restart Type property is set to Manual.

  • Load Step: Displays the Load Step of the restart point to use. If no restart points are available (or all are invalid for a Restart Type of Program Controlled) the display is Initial.

  • Substep: Displays the Substep of the restart point to use. If no restart points are available (or all are invalid for a Restart Type of Program Controlled) the display is Initial.

  • Time: Displays the time of the restart point to use.