
Repair features form a set of semiautomatic tools that allow you to easily search and easily fix unwanted geometries or geometric errors, also referred to as faults, from the model. Repair features can be executed on both frozen and active bodies. The Repair feature types are listed below:

A typical usage of a repair feature is as follows:

  • First search for faults on a set of bodies based on particular criteria.

  • The list of faults along with a recommended repair method is presented.

  • Review each fault as needed and change the repair method type or choose not to repair the fault.

  • Generate the feature and later examine each fault and if the repaired geometry is acceptable.

Note:  Use of any of the Repair features does not ensure that the fault will not be repaired or removed if you specify not to repair it. Repairing one fault can also lead to another fault being repaired. Therefore, if the fault's method type is set to "Do Not Repair" it is possible that the fault is still repaired.

Repair topics: