Ansys DesignModeler Part Instance Transfer to Ansys Mechanical

Part instances (including single-body part instances) present in the DesignModeler application will be transferred to the Mechanical application by default. This is optional and can be turned off using the ‘Import Using Instances’ property of the Geometry cell in the Project Schematic view. If instances are transferred to the Mechanical application, significant savings in time to transfer the model to the Mechanical application can be observed. The time taken for meshing the model also will be less.

Note:  Modifying a model in the DesignModeler application may affect the instance data by body instances being added or removed. For example, use of the Body Operation and Pattern features and/or use of the Attach to Active CAD Geometry and Import External Geometry File options may result in the addition of body instance data. Use of other modeling operations (for example, edit, add, insert, delete, suppress or unsuppress features in the feature tree) may result in removal of body instance data. In general, if an operation results in an instanced body being deleted or modified then the body will no longer be instanced. If during an operation the remaining body instance data (after removing modified or deleted instanced bodies) contains single instances (no other instances), then these body instances will also be removed.

For more information, see Ansys DesignModeler Instancing.