5.1. Files Written and Read by Ansys Polydata and Ansys Polyflow

During an Ansys Polydata session, you will generally need to read and write several kinds of files. Similarly, Ansys Polyflow itself reads and writes a number of different files, including files for exporting data to various visualization and postprocessing tools. Information about all of these files is provided in this chapter.

Table 5.1: Files Written and Read by Ansys Polydata and Ansys Polyflow lists the files that Ansys Polydata and Ansys Polyflow can read and/or write. You can use this table to get an overview of the files you may be using, to find out which codes write a particular file, and to see where to look for more information on each file. Note that some of the files included in the table are actually converted to the appropriate format when they are read, but no distinction is made here. The section that discusses each file will address this issue, where appropriate.

Table 5.1: Files Written and Read by Ansys Polydata and Ansys Polyflow

File Type Created By Used By Default Name or Suffix See...
Mesh POLYMESH, Ansys Polydata, Ansys Polyfuse Ansys Polydata, Ansys Polyflow, Ansys Polystat, Ansys Polyfuse  .msh Reading Files Directly
Fluent Mesh Ansys Meshing, Ansys Fluent meshing mode, Fluent Meshing Ansys Polydata, Ansys Polyflow .msh Reading Files Directly and Converting Mesh Files Created by Other Programs

Note:  GAMBIT is no longer provided as part of Ansys Polyflow.

Ansys Polydata  .neu Converting Mesh Files Created by Other Programs
ANSYS FIDAP Neutral ANSYS FIDAPAnsys Polydata  .neu Converting Mesh Files Created by Other Programs
I-deas Universal I-deas  Ansys Polydata  .stb Converting Mesh Files Created by Other Programs
PATRAN Neutral PATRAN  Ansys Polydata  .pat Converting Mesh Files Created by Other Programs

Ansys ICEM CFD Neutral


Ansys Polydata, Ansys Polyflow  .poly Reading Files Directly and Converting Mesh Files Created by Other Programs


Ansys Meshing Ansys Polydata, Ansys Polyflow  .poly Reading Files Directly and Converting Mesh Files Created by Other Programs
Mesh Ansys Polydata  Ansys Fluent  .cas Optional Conversion to a Case File
Data Ansys Polydata  Ansys Polydata, Ansys Polyflow  .dat Reading and Writing Ansys Polydata Data Files, Reading Mesh, Data, and Results Files into Ansys Polyflow
Session Ansys Polydata  Ansys Polydata  .ses Reading and Writing Ansys Polydata Session Files
Results Ansys Polyflow  Ansys Polyflow, Ansys Polystat  res, .res Reading Mesh, Data, and Results Files into Ansys Polyflow, Writing an Ansys Polyflow Results File
Restart Ansys Polyflow  Ansys Polyflow  rst Reading Mesh, Data, and Results Files into Ansys Polyflow, Writing an Ansys Polyflow Results File
Mixing files Ansys Polyflow  Ansys Polystat  .mix Ansys Polystat User's Guide
Listing Ansys Polyflow  text editor listingFile, polyflow.lst, .lst Writing an Ansys Polyflow Listing File
PreferencesAnsys Workbench, Ansys PolymanAnsys Polydata, Ansys Polyflow  .p3rc The .p3rc Configuration File
ProbeAnsys PolyflowAnsys Polymat, Ansys Polycurve, Ansys Polystat .prb Saving Data at a Specified Point, as well as Reading Experimental Data Curves for the Non-Automatic Fitting Method in the separate Polymat User's Guide
CurveAnsys Polyflow, Ansys Polymat, Ansys Polycurve, Ansys Polystat  Ansys Polymat, Ansys Polycurve, Ansys Polystat .crv Defining and Plotting Curves and Reading Experimental Data Curves for the Non-Automatic Fitting Method in the separate Polymat User's Guide
MonitorAnsys PolyflowAnsys Polymat, Ansys Polycurve, Ansys Polystat .cnvg Defining and Plotting Curves in the separate Polymat User's Guide
PublishAndWaitAnsys Polydata, Ansys PolyflowAnsys Workbench .pub Understanding the File Structure for Polyflow in Workbench in the separate Polyflow in Workbench User's Guide
User-Defined Function (UDF)text editorAnsys Polyflow .clp User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
ConsoleAnsys WorkbenchAnsys Polydata .cons Understanding the File Structure for Polyflow in Workbench in the separate Polyflow in Workbench User's Guide
BatchAnsys WorkbenchAnsys Workbench .bat Understanding the File Structure for Polyflow in Workbench in the separate Polyflow in Workbench User's Guide
Mesh and Results Ansys Polyflow  ANSYS FIDAP  .neu Exporting Mesh and Solution Data
Mesh and Results Ansys Polyflow  PATRAN  .patm, .patr Exporting Mesh and Solution Data
Mesh and Results Ansys Polyflow  I-deas  .stbm, .stbr Exporting Mesh and Solution Data
IGESAnsys Polyflow  CAD/CAM programs .iges Exporting Mesh and Solution Data
CSV Ansys Polyflow, Ansys Polystat, CFD-Post, spreadsheet programs Ansys Polyflow, spreadsheet programs .csv Exporting Mesh and Solution Data
Results Ansys Polyflow FieldView .uns Exporting Mesh and Solution Data
Mesh, Geometry, Results Ansys Polyflow  CFD-Post  _cfx.res Exporting Mesh and Solution Data
Mesh, Geometry, Results Ansys Polyflow  EnSight  .case Exporting Mesh and Solution Data
Mesh, Geometry, Results Ansys Polyflow 

Ansys Mechanical APDL 

.cdb Exporting Mesh and Solution Data


Ansys Polyflow  Ansys Mechanical  .xml, .txt Exporting Mesh and Solution Data
Mesh HYPERMESH  Ansys Polydata  .hma or .hmascii Converting Mesh Files Created by Other Programs