5.5. Reading Mesh, Data, and Results Files into Ansys Polyflow

Ansys Polyflow requires at least the following two sets of information as inputs so that it can compute a solution:

  • mesh information (mesh file)

  • problem definition (data file)

The mesh file is created by the mesh generator, and the data file is created by Ansys Polydata. It is also possible to give Ansys Polyflow an initial solution from which to start the calculation, by providing a results file as well, but this is not required.

You do not read these files into Ansys Polyflow manually, as you do with Ansys Polydata. Instead, you will provide a file name as a command line input when you start Ansys Polyflow. Furthermore, you do not explicitly specify the mesh (or results) file, only the data file. The data file contains the location of the mesh file (and the results file, if provided), and points Ansys Polyflow to the file(s) for you.