6. Mesh Objects

These objects provide control to the mesh objects. The objects are grouped by functionality.

These objects define and manage mesh properties.
GasketDefines the gasket mesh control beneath the Mesh object when the Body object's Stiffness Behavior is set to Flexible.
MeshManages all meshing functions and tools for a model; includes global controls that govern the entire mesh.
Mesh Control ToolsObjects available for fine tuning the mesh.
Mesh Edit
These objects define and manage mesh connections/contact matches and nodes.
Mesh Connection Group/Contact Match GroupDefines mesh connections/contact matches between selected topologies.
Mesh Connection/Contact MatchDefines mesh connection/contact match conditions for individual topology pairs.
Mesh EditCreates Mesh Connections and Contact Matches as well as merges and/or moves individual nodes on the mesh (once generated).
Node Merge GroupDefines nodes that have been merged on a generated mesh.
Node MergeMerges pairs of nodes on the mesh.
Node MoveSelects and moves individual nodes on the mesh.
Mesh Numbering
These objects control the renumbering of nodes and elements.
Mesh NumberingIncludes any quantity of Numbering Control objects, which renumber the node and element numbers of a generated meshed model consisting of flexible parts.
Numbering ControlRepresents a part, vertex, or Remote Point whose nodes/elements can be renumbered.