Build Settings

Defines simulation and strain assumptions, process parameters, and build conditions related to an additive manufacturing material, machine, and process.

Build Settings for an AM LPBF Inherent Strain system showing Details for the four strain definitions (Isotropic, Anisotropic, Scan Pattern, and Thermal Strain):

Object Properties

Tree Dependencies

Insertion Methods

Right-click Options

API Reference

Additional Related Information

Build Settings for an AM LPBF Thermal-Structural system shown with power heating method:

Object Properties

The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.


Simulation Settings

Additive Process: The Additive Process Type - Laser Powder Bed Fusion. The LPBF process uses thermal energy from a laser or electron beam to selectively fuse powder in a powder bed.

Inherent Strain: Yes or No. If Yes, the AM simulation uses a static structural system and the loading strains are calculated based on an experimentally calibrated Strain Scaling Factor. If No, the AM simulation uses a linked thermal-structural system in which strains are calculated from temperature-dependent material properties and loads. The remaining options under Machine Settings differ depending on whether Inherent Strain = Yes or No.

If Inherent Strain = Yes:

  • Inherent Strain Definition: Isotropic, Anisotropic, Scan Pattern, or Thermal Strain.

    • Isotropic assumes that a constant, uniform strain occurs at every location within a part as it is being built.

    • Anisotropic uses the same average strain magnitude as isotropic strain, but it subdivides that strain into anisotropic components in the X, Y, and Z directions based on the Global coordinate system.

    • Scan Pattern uses the same average strain magnitude as isotropic strain, but it subdivides that strain into anisotropic components based on the local orientation of scan vectors within the part. Scan vectors may be generated internally via a slicing function assuming a rotating stripe scan pattern or input via a build file.

    • Thermal Strain is a method that provides the highest level of fidelity and takes thermal cycling into account at each location within the part.

  • Thermal Strain Method: At this release, only the Machine Learning Prediction method is available.

    • Machine Learning Prediction uses a machine learning model prediction of the anisotropic Thermal Strain simulation result from the Ansys Additive application.—Thermal Strain simulations provide the highest level of fidelity by predicting how thermal cycling affects strain accumulation at each location within a part. The simulation follows the full laser path on every layer, and is based on the machine process parameters (power, scan speed, beam diameter, etc.)—The machine learning model has been trained to predict the Thermal Strain result much faster than simulation. It can be one to three orders of magnitude faster than Thermal Strain simulation in Additive Print in calculating the strain that is passed to the structural solver. Speedup increases with part size, scan area, and melt pool size. See Thermal Strain - Anisotropic in the Additive Print and Science User's Guide and Understanding Machine Learning Thermal Strain.

  • Machine Learning Model: A list of materials that were used to train the ML prediction. Choose the material that most closely matches your material assignment in Engineering Data. ML models may be based on different material properties than those in Engineering Data. The ML models are used to generate loading strains. Materials in Engineering Data are used for the structural analysis.

  • Layer Height: Sets the element layer height for the mesh, which must conform to uniform layer sizes in the global Z direction. Options include Program Controlled (default) and Manual. For Program Controlled, the application finds the first layered tetrahedrons mesh method that is scoped to the AM build body and sets the Layer Height to the value specified in the Details pane of the layered tetrahedrons mesh method. If there are no layered tetrahedrons meshes present/scoped to the build, then no Layer Height value is used. When set to Manual, the user specified Layer Height is used, regardless of whether a layered tetrahedrons mesh is present.

Calibration Settings

Strain Scaling Factor(s): A calibration factor, or factors, used to account for differences in additive machines and materials that you may use to improve the accuracy of your simulations. The SSF scales the inherent strains in the analysis by the given value.

  • If Inherent Strain = Yes:

    • If Inherent Strain Definition = Isotropic, a constant Strain Scaling Factor may be entered to scale strain everywhere uniformly.

    • If Inherent Strain Definition = Anisotropic, individual Strain Scaling Factors may be entered for X, Y, and Z directions based on the Global coordinate system.

    • If Inherent Strain Definition = Scan Pattern or Thermal Strain, individual Strain Scaling Factors, called anisotropic scaling factors (ASC), may be entered based on the local orientation of scan vectors within the part, that is, parallel and perpendicular to scanning direction and in the build direction.

  • If Inherent Strain = No:

    • Thermal Strain Scaling Factor: An optional input that scales the thermal strains in the structural portion of AM simulations by a given value.

Machine Settings

Properties in this category are illustrated in the following figure:

If Inherent Strain = Yes:

  • Scan Pattern Definition (visible if Inherent Strain Definition = Scan Pattern or Thermal Strain): How the scan pattern is defined, either generated using a rotating stripe pattern (default) or input via a build file.

    • Generated: Start Layer Angle and Layer Rotation Angle as defined below. Scan Stripe Width is also visible if Inherent Strain Definition = Thermal Strain. These inputs define an internally generated scan pattern.

    • Build File: Machine Type and Build File Path inputs become available with this option. These inputs specify an external build file to be used.

      • Machine Type: Specifies the machine or OEM associated with the build file specified. Options are Additive Industries, EOS, HB3D, Renishaw, Sisma, SLM, and Trumpf.

      • Build File Path: Location of a .zip file containing the scan pattern file(s), and an stl of the part geometry.

        Build files for simulations that use the Machine Learning Prediction Thermal Strain Method only support stripe scan patterns. See Build File Requirements in the LPBF Simulation Guide for additional requirements.

  • Start Layer Angle: The orientation of fill rasters on the first layer of the part. It is measured from the X axis, such that 0 degrees results in scan lines parallel to the X axis. The starting layer angle is commonly set to 57 degrees. Must be between 0 and 180°.

  • Layer Rotation Angle: The angle at which the major scan vector orientation changes from layer to layer. It is commonly 67 degrees. Must be between 0 and 180°.

  • Scan Stripe Width: When using the stripe pattern for scan strategy, the geometry can be broken up into sections, called stripes. The stripes are scanned sequentially to break up what would otherwise be very long continuous scan vectors. Slicing Stripe Width is commonly set to 10 mm wide. Must be between 1 and 100 mm.

  • Hatch Spacing: The average distance between adjacent scan vectors when rastering back and forth with the laser. Hatch spacing should allow for a slight overlap of scan vector tracks such that some of the material re-melts to ensure full coverage of solid material. For Machine Learning strain definition, must be between 60 and 1000 microns.

  • Deposition Thickness: The thickness of added powder material in every pass of the recoater blade. Specifically, use the amount the base plate drops between layers. For Thermal Strain strain definition, must be between 10 and 100 microns.

  • Scan Speed: The average speed at which the laser spot moves across the powder bed along a scan vector to melt material, excluding jump speeds and ramp up and down speeds. For Thermal Strain strain definition, must be between 350 and 2500 mm/sec and the recommended range is between 500 and 2500 mm/sec.

  • Beam Power: The power setting for the laser in the machine. Must be between 50 and 700 Watts. The recommended range is between 50 and 500 Watts.

  • Beam Diameter: The width of the laser on the powder or substrate surface defined using the D4σ beam diameter definition. Usually this value is provided by the machine manufacturer. Sometimes called laser spot diameter. Must be between 20 and 140 µm. The recommended range is between 80 and 120 µm.

If Inherent Strain = No:

  • Heating Method: Controls how new layers are heated in the transient thermal analysis. Choose Melting Temperature (default) or Power.

    • Melting Temperature sets the new layer to the melt temperature specified in Engineering Data.

    • Power uses a heat generation load to heat new layers.

  • Heating Duration: Visible if Heating Method = Power. The amount of time the heat is applied, either Scan Time (default) or Flash.

    • Scan Time: Heat is applied for the amount of time it takes to scan the volume of material in each element layer. This setting may give better temperature results at the end of the layer but may not yield a temperature spike above melting. Note that this Scan Time option will have a different end time of the simulation because the layer thickness adjustment for cooling will not be used.

    • Flash: Heat is applied in a very short time increment resulting in a spike in temperature then cooling before the next element layer is added.

  • Beam Power: Visible if Heating Method = Power. The power of the laser.

  • Absorptivity: Visible if Heating Method = Power. The average fraction of energy that is absorbed by the deposited material and contributes to the heating process. Must be between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.35.

  • Hatch Spacing: See above.

  • Deposition Thickness: See above.

  • Scan Speed: See above.

  • Dwell Time: The span of time from the end of the deposition of a layer to the start of the deposition of the next layer. It includes the time required for recoater-blade repositioning and powder-layer spreading.

  • Dwell Time Multiple: The dwell-time multiplier accounts for more than one part in the build. If they are the same part arranged in the same orientation on the build plate, the multiplier is the number of parts.

  • Number of Heat Sources: For multiple-beam printers, specifies the number of beams. This divides the amount of time it takes to scan a layer by the number of heat sources specified.

Build Conditions

Preheat Temperature: The starting temperature of the build plate. Used when Inherent Strain = Yes and Inherent Strain Definition = Thermal Strain, and when Inherent Strain = No. For Thermal Strain strain definition, must be between 20 and 500 °C and the recommended range is between 20 and 200 °C.

If Inherent Strain = No:

  • Gas/Powder Temperature: Options include Use Preheat Temperature (default) and Specified.

  • Gas Convection Coefficient: Convection coefficient from the part to the enclosure gas. The convection is applied only to the top of a newly laid layer.

  • Gas Temperature: Temperature of the gas in the build enclosure.

  • Powder Convection Coefficient: Effective convection coefficient from the sides of the part to the powder bed. To estimate, divide the conduction property of the powder by a characteristic conduction length into the powder (for example, a quarter of the distance from the part boundary to the build-chamber wall).

  • Powder Temperature: Temperature of the newly added powder.

  • Powder Property Factor: The application uses this factor to estimate the powder properties. The application applies the factor to the solid material properties to estimate the properties of the material in its powder state. The powder-state properties are used during the heating of the new layer (before its subsequent solidification and cooldown) prior to the next layer being applied.

Cooldown Conditions

(Inherent Strain = No option only)

Room Temperature

Gas/Powder Temperature: Options include Use Room Temperature (default) and Specified.

Gas Convection Coefficient: Convection coefficient from the part to the enclosure gas. The convection is applied only to the top of a newly laid layer.

Gas Temperature: Temperature of the gas in the build enclosure.

Powder Convection Coefficient: Effective convection coefficient from the part to the powder bed. To estimate, divide the conduction property of the powder by a characteristic conduction length into the powder (for example, a quarter of the distance from the part boundary to the build-chamber wall).

Powder Temperature: Temperature of the newly added powder.

Tree Dependencies

  • Valid Parent Tree Object: AM Process.

  • Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods

Inserted automatically by the AM Process object.

Right-click Options

In addition to common right-click options, relevant right-click options for this object include:

  • Save Build Settings: Saves your build settings as an XML file. The property values are always saved in Consistent MKS Unit System.

  • Load Build Settings: Imports a build setting XML file. Once loaded, the settings properly populate the properties of the Details pane. View and use example XML files at: [Ansys Installation Directory]\aisol\DesignSpace\DSPages\SampleData\AdditiveManufacturing.

  • Reset to Default: Resets build settings to default values.

API Reference

See the AM Build Settings section of the ACT API Reference Guide for specific scripting information.

Additional Related Information

LPBF Simulation Guide

Define Build Settings