49.8. Restarting Fluent Analyses as Part of System Couplings

Go to the section Stops and Restarts of System Coupling Analyses for general information on restarting a coupled analysis and links to context-specific information.

To restart your coupled analysis, you will also need restart information specific to the participants connected to System Coupling.

49.8.1. Generating Fluent Restart Files

Restarts of a system coupling analysis requires corresponding restart points to exist in the coupling service and in each of the solvers participating in the analysis.

Fluent will automatically generate the corresponding case and data (cas/dat) files based upon requests received from System Coupling. Note that these files are generated in addition to the restart points (or results) manually requested via the Autosave Every field in the Calculation Activities task page within Fluent.

49.8.2. Specify a Restart Point in Fluent

When the Fluent solution is updated (or restarted), the case and data files (.cas.h5 and .dat.h5) corresponding to the current restart point will be used, if it exists. The default restart point is taken from the last generated case and data files. To specify a different restart point, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Project Schematic, double-click the Solution cell to open the Fluent interface. Do not double-click the Setup cell, as this will restore the original mesh and settings.

  2. Select the File/Solution Files... ribbon tab item to open the Solution Files dialog box with a list of all available restart points.

  3. Select the desired restart point. By default, the latest saved restart point is selected. Only one restart point can be selected, so to be able to select a different restart point, first click the highlighted restart point to deselect it.

    Make sure that you select the restart point that corresponds to the restart points selected for the System Coupling service and the other coupling participants.

  4. Click Read to read-in the data for the selected restart point.

  5. Once the data is read, click Close to close the Solution Files dialog box.

  6. Close Fluent by selecting the File/Close Fluent ribbon tab item.

49.8.3. Making Setup Changes Before Restarting

In some cases, Fluent setup changes are required to avoid failure of the coupled analysis (for example, changes to iteration controls, under-relaxation factors, and so on). You may make these changes either by modifying settings in Fluent or (if working in System Coupling's GUI or CLI) by using a custom restart file.

Modifying Settings in Fluent

Open Fluent and make the required changes to the setup. The settings that are stored in the case file corresponding to the current restart point will be used for Fluent restarts.

Close Fluent by selecting the File/Close Fluent ribbon tab item. If you are presented with a notification that the modified mesh and settings will be used for the current run, choose OK to accept and close the dialog box.

Using a Custom Restart File

Custom restart files are controlled by settings defined under Fluent's Execution Control | Fluent Input object. By editing these files, you can make changes to Fluent's setup before restarting the solution.

For more information, see Using Custom Input Files in System Coupling's User Interfaces.

49.8.4. Recovering the Fluent Restart Point after a Workbench Crash

Workbench or one of the components may crash such that restart files are available but they are not recognized or populated in the Workbench project. If this is the case, you can recover your project and restart your analysis.

See Restarting a Coupled Analysis in Workbench for the steps needed to recover a coupled analysis after a Workbench crash. You will also need the information below about Fluent, as well as information specific to the other participant systems connected to System Coupling. For other participant systems connected to your System Coupling system, see Supported Coupling Participants for System Coupling in Workbench for a list of supported systems and references to their corresponding documentation regarding restarts.

The usual project directory ( ProjectName_files) contains the latest Fluent and System Coupling results and restart points (these solvers use the live project instead of running in a temporary directory).

Note that the .backup directory contains the original version of any files that have been modified since the last save. These files are useful to recover the last saved state, but they are not useful for restarting your analysis.

To recover Fluent's restart point after a Workbench crash:

  1. Double-click the Fluent Solution cell to open Fluent interface.

  2. Select the File/Solution Files... ribbon tab item to open the Solution Files dialog box with a list of the restart points.

  3. The Solution Files dialog box will not be populated with the data files written before Workbench crashed, so the correct restart point must be recovered. Select Recover Missing Solution... to recover the latest case and data files, and to populate the corresponding restart points in the Solution Files at list.

  4. Now that the solution files list is populated, select the desired restart point.

    By default, the latest saved restart point is selected. Only one restart point can be selected, so to be able to select a different restart point, first click the highlighted restart point to deselect it.

    Make sure that you select the restart point that corresponds to the restart points selected for System Coupling and the other coupling participants.

  5. Click Read to read-in the data for the selected restart point.

  6. Once the data is read, click Close to close the Solution Files dialog box.

  7. Close Fluent by selecting the File/Close Fluent ribbon tab item.