Chapter 49: Performing System Coupling Simulations Using Fluent

You can use Ansys System Coupling to perform coupled simulations that involve multiple physics solvers, coupling active co-simulation participants and/or importing static data from an external data source. For example, you can run Mechanical and Fluent) in a single analysis and/or import data from an output file into an Fluent analysis. Once the physics and coupling setups are complete, the coupled analysis is executed and managed by System Coupling.

System Coupling can be used in the following contexts:

  • System Coupling's user interfaces: System Coupling is run from its graphical user interface (GUI) or its command-line interface (CLI).

  • System Coupling in Workbench: System Coupling is run from the Workbench interface.

Note:  For System Coupling cases using Fluent, it is a best practice to run Fluent in double precision.