Supported Coupling Participants for System Coupling in Workbench

System Coupling participants are systems that send and/or receive data in a coupled analysis. Supported participant systems for System Coupling in Workbench include:

  • Fluid Flow (CFX) analysis system

  • CFX component system

For information on using System Coupling with a CFX system, see the following sections in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide:

  • Fluid Flow (Fluent) analysis system

  • Fluent component system

For information on using System Coupling with a Fluent system, see the following sections in the Fluent User's Guide:


The following analysis systems can participate in coupled analyses:

  • Coupled Field Static

  • Coupled Field Transient

  • Static Structural

  • Transient Structural

  • Steady-State Thermal

  • Transient Thermal

  • Thermal Electric

For information on using System Coupling with a Mechanical system, see the following sections in the Mechanical User's Guide:

External Data
  • External Data component system

For information on using System Coupling with an External Data system, see the following section in the Workbench User's Guide:

Note:  The following limitations are placed on the participants of a coupled analysis:

  • Only two coupling participants can be connected to the System Coupling system at one time. However, more than one System Coupling system may be introduced on the same Project Schematic.

  • Fluent can be connected with any of the other supported participants.

  • Coupled analyses are not supported for External Data participant systems that have non-ASCII characters in the following values:

    • Display names for regions or variables

    • Data source Identifier (defined in the External Data tab's Outline of Schematic)

    • Data source Data Identifier (defined in the External Data tab's Table of File)