8.4. Viscosity

Ansys Fluent provides several options for definition of the fluid viscosity:

  • constant viscosity

  • temperature-dependent and/or composition-dependent viscosity

  • kinetic theory

  • non-Newtonian viscosity

  • user-defined function

Each of these input options and the governing physical models are detailed in this section. (User-defined functions are described in the Fluent Customization Manual). In all cases, define the Viscosity in the Create/Edit Materials Dialog Box.

 Setup   Materials

Viscosities are input as dynamic viscosity () in units of kg/m-s in SI units or /ft-s in British units. Ansys Fluent does not ask for input of the kinematic viscosity ().

8.4.1. Input of Constant Viscosity

If you want to define the viscosity of your fluid as a constant, select constant in the Viscosity drop-down list in the Create/Edit Materials Dialog Box, and enter the value of viscosity for the fluid.

For the default fluid (air), the viscosity is kg/m-s.

8.4.2. Viscosity as a Function of Temperature

If you are modeling a problem that involves heat transfer, you can define the viscosity as a function of temperature. Five types of functions are available.

  • piecewise-linear:


  • piecewise-polynomial:


  • polynomial:


  • Sutherland’s law

  • power law

Important:  The power law described here is different from the non-Newtonian power law described in Viscosity for Non-Newtonian Fluids.

For one of the first three, select piecewise-linear, piecewise-polynomial, polynomial in the Viscosity drop-down list and then enter the data pairs (), ranges and coefficients, or coefficients that describe these functions Defining Properties Using Temperature-Dependent Functions. For Sutherland’s law or the power law, choose sutherland or power-law respectively in the drop-down list and enter the parameters. Sutherland Viscosity Law

Sutherland’s viscosity law resulted from a kinetic theory by Sutherland (1893) using an idealized intermolecular-force potential. The formula is specified using two or three coefficients.

Sutherland’s law with two coefficients has the form


  = the viscosity in kg/m-s
  = the static temperature in K
  and = the coefficients

For air at moderate temperatures and pressures, kg/m-s-, and K.

Sutherland’s law with three coefficients has the form


  = the viscosity in kg/m-s
  = the static temperature in K
  = reference value in kg/m-s
  = reference temperature in K
  = an effective temperature in K (Sutherland constant)

For air at moderate temperatures and pressures, kg/m-s, = 273.11 K, and = 110.56 K. Inputs for Sutherland’s Law

To use Sutherland’s law, choose sutherland in the drop-down list to the right of Viscosity. The Sutherland Law Dialog Box will open, and you can enter the coefficients as follows:

  1. Select the Two Coefficient Method or the Three Coefficient Method.

    Important:  Use SI units if you choose the two-coefficient method.

  2. For the Two Coefficient Method, set C1 and C2. For the Three Coefficient Method, set the Reference Viscosity , the Reference Temperature , and the Effective Temperature .

  3. To visualize your profile, ensure the correct Primary Independent Variable is selected from the drop-down list, and enter a value for the Min and Max. Power-Law Viscosity Law

Another common approximation for the viscosity of dilute gases is the power-law form. For dilute gases at moderate temperatures, this form is considered to be slightly less accurate than Sutherland’s law.

A power-law viscosity law with two coefficients has the form


  = the viscosity in kg/m-s
  = the static temperature in K
  = a dimensional coefficient

For air at moderate temperatures and pressures, , and .

A power-law viscosity law with three coefficients has the form


  = the viscosity in kg/m-s
  = the static temperature in K
  = a reference value in K
  = a reference value in kg/m-s

For air at moderate temperatures and pressures, kg/m-s, K, and .

Important:  The non-Newtonian power law for viscosity is described in Viscosity for Non-Newtonian Fluids. Inputs for the Power Law

To use the power law, choose power-law in the drop-down list to the right of Viscosity. The Power Law Dialog Box will open, and you can enter the coefficients as follows:

  1. Select the Two Coefficient Method or the Three Coefficient Method.

    Important:  Note that you must use SI units if you choose the two-coefficient method.

  2. For the Two Coefficient Method, set B and the Temperature Exponent . For the Three Coefficient Method, set the Reference Viscosity , the Reference Temperature , and the Temperature Exponent .

  3. To visualize your profile, ensure the correct Primary Independent Variable is selected from the drop-down list, and enter a value for the Min and Max.

8.4.3. Defining the Viscosity Using Kinetic Theory

If you are using the ideal gas law (as described in Density), you have the option to define the fluid viscosity using kinetic theory as


  is in units of kg/m-s,
  is in units of Kelvin
  is in units of Angstroms
  is the molecular weight



The Lennard-Jones parameters, and , are inputs to the kinetic theory calculation that you supply by selecting kinetic-theory from the drop-down list to the right of Viscosity in the Create/Edit Materials Dialog Box. The solver will use these kinetic theory inputs in Equation 8–28 to compute the fluid viscosity. See Kinetic Theory Parameters for details about these inputs.

8.4.4. Defining Viscosity Using Gupta Curve Fits

When simulating hypersonic flows using the default one-temperature approach, Fluent offers Gupta curve fits that are applicable for air mixtures with temperatures up to 30 000 K. For details, see Modeling Transport Properties Using Gupta Curve Fits .

8.4.5. Composition-Dependent Viscosity for Multicomponent Mixtures

If you are modeling a flow that includes more than one chemical species (multicomponent flow), you have the option to define a composition-dependent viscosity. (Note that you can also define the viscosity of the mixture as a constant value or a function of temperature.)

To define a composition-dependent viscosity for a mixture, follow these steps:

  1. For the mixture material, choose mass-weighted-mixing-law or, if you are using the ideal gas law for density, ideal-gas-mixing-law in the drop-down list to the right of Viscosity. If you have a user-defined function that you want to use to model the viscosity, you can choose either the user-defined method or the user-defined-mixing-law method for the mixture material in the drop-down list.

  2. Click Change/Create.

  3. Define the viscosity for each of the fluid materials that make up the mixture. You may define constant or (if applicable) temperature-dependent viscosities for the individual species. You may also use kinetic theory for the individual viscosities, or specify a non-Newtonian viscosity, if applicable.

  4. If you selected user-defined-mixing-law, define the viscosity for each of the fluid materials that make up the mixture. You may define constant, or (if applicable) temperature-dependent viscosities, or user-defined viscosities for the individual species. More information on defining properties with user-defined functions can be found in the Fluent Customization Manual.

    The only difference between the user-defined-mixing-law and the user-defined option for specifying density, viscosity and thermal conductivity of mixture materials, is that with the user-defined-mixing-law option, the individual properties of the species materials can also be specified. (Note that only the constant, the polynomial methods and the user-defined methods are available.)

If you are using the ideal gas law, the solver will compute the mixture viscosity based on kinetic theory as




and is the mole fraction of species .

For non-ideal gas mixtures, the mixture viscosity is computed based on a simple mass fraction average of the pure species viscosities:


8.4.6. Viscosity for Non-Newtonian Fluids

For incompressible Newtonian fluids, the shear stress is proportional to the rate-of-deformation tensor :


where is defined by


and is the viscosity, which is independent of .

For some non-Newtonian fluids, the shear stress can similarly be written in terms of a non-Newtonian viscosity :


In general, is a function of all three invariants of the rate-of-deformation tensor . However, in the non-Newtonian models available in Ansys Fluent, is considered to be a function of the shear rate only. is related to the second invariant of and is defined as

(8–36) Temperature Dependent Viscosity

If the flow is non-isothermal, then the temperature dependence on the viscosity can be included along with the shear rate dependence. In this case, the total viscosity consists of two parts and is calculated as


where H(T) is the temperature dependence, known as the Arrhenius law.


where is the ratio of the activation energy to the thermodynamic constant and is a reference temperature for which H(T) = 1. , which is the temperature shift, is set to 0 by default, and corresponds to the lowest temperature that is thermodynamically acceptable. Therefore and are absolute temperatures. Temperature dependence is only included when the energy equation is enabled. Set the parameter to 0 when you want temperature dependence to be ignored, even when the energy equation is solved.

Ansys Fluent provides four options for modeling non-Newtonian flows:

  • power law

  • Carreau model for pseudo-plastics

  • Cross model

  • Herschel-Bulkley model for Bingham plastics

  • Note that the models listed above are not available when modeling turbulent flow.

  • Note that the non-Newtonian power law described below is different from the power law described in Power-Law Viscosity Law.

  • Non-Newtonian model based on single fluid formulation is available for the mixture model and it is recommended that this should be attached to the primary phase.

Appropriate values for the input parameters for these models can be found in the literature (for example, [160]). Power Law for Non-Newtonian Viscosity

If you choose non-newtonian-power-law in the drop-down list to the right of Viscosity, non-Newtonian flow will be modeled according to the following power law for the non-Newtonian viscosity:


where and are input parameters. is a measure of the average viscosity of the fluid (the consistency index); is a measure of the deviation of the fluid from Newtonian (the power-law index). The value of determines the class of the fluid:

  Newtonian fluid
  shear-thickening (dilatant fluids)
  shear-thinning (pseudo-plastics) Inputs for the Non-Newtonian Power Law

To use the non-Newtonian power law, choose non-newtonian-power-law in the drop-down list to the right of Viscosity. The Non-Newtonian Power Law Dialog Box will open, and you can choose between Shear Rate Dependent and Shear Rate and Temperature Dependent. Enter the Consistency Index , Power-Law Index , Minimum and Maximum Viscosity Limit, Reference Temperature , and Activation Energy/R, , which is the ratio of the activation energy to the thermodynamic constant. The Carreau Model for Pseudo-Plastics

The power law model described in Equation 8–39 results in a fluid viscosity that varies with shear rate. For , , and for , , where and are, respectively, the upper and lower limiting values of the fluid viscosity.

The Carreau model attempts to describe a wide range of fluids by the establishment of a curve-fit to piece together functions for both Newtonian and shear-thinning () non-Newtonian laws. In the Carreau model, the viscosity is


and the parameters , , , , and are dependent upon the fluid. is the time constant, is the power-law index (as described above for the non-Newtonian power law), and are, respectively, the zero- and infinite-shear viscosities, is the reference temperature, and is the ratio of the activation energy to thermodynamic constant. Figure 8.19: Variation of Viscosity with Shear Rate According to the Carreau Model shows how viscosity is limited by and at low and high shear rates.

Figure 8.19: Variation of Viscosity with Shear Rate According to the Carreau Model

Variation of Viscosity with Shear Rate According to the Carreau Model Inputs for the Carreau Model

To use the Carreau model, choose carreau in the drop-down list to the right of Viscosity. The Carreau Model Dialog Box will open, and you can choose between Shear Rate Dependent and Shear Rate and Temperature Dependent. Enter the Time Constant , Power-Law Index , Reference Temperature , Zero Shear Viscosity , Infinite Shear Viscosity , and Activation Energy/R .

Figure 8.20: The Carreau Model Dialog Box

The Carreau Model Dialog Box Cross Model

The Cross model for viscosity is:


  = zero-shear-rate viscosity
  = natural time (that is, inverse of the shear rate at which the fluid changes from Newtonian to power-law behavior)
  = power-law index

The Cross model is commonly used to describe the low-shear-rate behavior of the viscosity. Inputs for the Cross Model

To use the Cross model, choose cross in the drop-down list to the right of Viscosity. The Cross Model Dialog Box will open, and you can choose between Shear Rate Dependent and Shear Rate and Temperature Dependent. Enter the Zero Shear Viscosity , Time Constant , Power-Law Index , Reference Temperature , and Activation Energy/R, , which is the ratio of the activation energy to the thermodynamic constant. Herschel-Bulkley Model for Bingham Plastics

The power law model described above is valid for fluids for which the shear stress is zero when the strain rate is zero. Bingham plastics are characterized by a nonzero shear stress when the strain rate is zero.


where is the yield stress:

  • For , the material remains rigid.

  • For , the material flows as a power-law fluid.

The Herschel-Bulkley model combines the effects of Bingham and power-law behavior in a fluid. For low strain rates (), the “rigid” material acts like a very viscous fluid with viscosity . As the strain rate increases and the yield stress threshold, , is passed, the fluid behavior is described by a power law.





where is the consistency index, and is the power-law index.

Figure 8.21: Variation of Shear Stress with Shear Rate According to the Herschel-Bulkley Model shows how shear stress () varies with shear rate () for the Herschel-Bulkley model.

Figure 8.21: Variation of Shear Stress with Shear Rate According to the Herschel-Bulkley Model

Variation of Shear Stress with Shear Rate According to the Herschel-Bulkley Model

If you choose the Herschel-Bulkley model for Bingham plastics, Equation 8–43 will be used to determine the fluid viscosity.

The Herschel-Bulkley model is commonly used to describe materials such as concrete, mud, dough, and toothpaste, for which a constant viscosity after a critical shear stress is a reasonable assumption. In addition to the transition behavior between a flow and no-flow regime, the Herschel-Bulkley model can also exhibit a shear-thinning or shear-thickening behavior depending on the value of . Inputs for the Herschel-Bulkley Model

To use the Herschel-Bulkley model, choose herschel-bulkley in the drop-down list to the right of Viscosity. The Herschel-Bulkley Dialog Box will open, and you can choose between Shear Rate Dependent and Shear Rate and Temperature Dependent. Enter the Consistency Index , Power-Law Index , Yield Stress Threshold , Critical Shear Rate , Reference Temperature , and the ratio of the activation energy to thermodynamic constant , Activation Energy/R.