15.17. Defining Turbulence Boundary Conditions

15.17.1. Wall Roughness Effects

You may want to include the effects of the wall roughness on selected wall boundaries as part of your turbulent simulation. In such cases, you can specify the roughness parameters (roughness height and roughness constant) in the dialog boxes of the corresponding wall boundaries (see Wall Roughness Effects in Turbulent Wall-Bounded Flows).

Note:  Rough walls cannot be used together with the following model combinations:

  • an -equation model with enhanced wall treatment or the Menter-Lechner near-wall treatment

    Note that the following are the relevant -equation models:

    • all of the - models (that is, standard, RNG, and realizable)

    • the Reynolds stress model with the Linear Pressure-Strain model selected

    • the detached eddy simulation (DES) model with the Realizable k-epsilon option selected

  • the Reynolds stress model with the Stress-Omega or Stress-BSL model selected

  • the transition -- model

  • the large eddy simulation (LES) model

15.17.2. The Spalart-Allmaras Model

When you are modeling turbulent flows in Ansys Fluent using the Spalart-Allmaras model, you must provide the boundary conditions for in addition to other mean solution variables. The boundary conditions for at the walls are internally taken care of by Ansys Fluent, which obviates the need for your inputs. The boundary condition input for , which you must enter in Ansys Fluent, is the one at inlet boundaries (for example, velocity inlets, pressure inlets). In many situations, it is important to specify correct or realistic boundary conditions at the inlets, because the inlet turbulence can significantly affect the downstream flow.

15.17.3. k-ε Models and k-ω Models

When you are modeling turbulent flows in Ansys Fluent using one of the - models or one of the - models, you must provide the boundary conditions for and (or and ) in addition to other mean solution variables. The boundary conditions for and (or and ) at the walls are internally taken care of by Ansys Fluent, which obviates the need for your inputs. The boundary condition inputs for and (or and ), which you must enter in Ansys Fluent, are the ones at inlet boundaries (for example, velocity inlets, pressure inlets). In many situations, it is important to specify correct or realistic boundary conditions at the inlets, because the inlet turbulence can significantly affect the downstream flow.

See Determining Turbulence Parameters for details about specifying the boundary conditions for and (or and ) at the inlets.

Additionally, you can control whether or not to set the turbulent viscosity to zero within a laminar zone. If the fluid zone in question is laminar, the text command define/ boundary-conditions/fluid will contain an option called Set Turbulent Viscosity to zero within laminar zone?. By setting this option to yes, Ansys Fluent will set both the production term in the turbulence transport equation and to zero. The same defaults are applied when the Laminar Zone option is enabled in a Fluid cell zone condition dialog box. See Specifying a Laminar Zone for details about laminar zones.

Important:  Note that the laminar zone feature is also available for the Spalart-Allmaras and Reynolds stress models.

15.17.4. Reynolds Stress Model

The specification of turbulent boundary conditions for the RSM is the same as for the other turbulence models for all boundaries except at boundaries where flow enters the domain. Additional input methods are available for these boundaries and are described here.

When you choose to use the RSM, the default inlet boundary condition inputs required are identical to those required when the - model is active. You can input the turbulence quantities using any of the turbulence specification methods described in Determining Turbulence Parameters. Ansys Fluent then uses the specified turbulence quantities to derive the Reynolds stresses at the inlet from the assumption of isotropy of turbulence:



where is the normal Reynolds stress component in each direction. The boundary condition for is determined in the same manner as for the - turbulence models (see Determining Turbulence Parameters). To use this method, you will select K or Turbulent Intensity as the Reynolds-Stress Specification Method in the appropriate boundary condition dialog box.

Alternately, you can directly specify the Reynolds stresses by selecting the Reynolds-Stress Components as the Reynolds-Stress Specification Method in the boundary condition dialog box. When this option is selected, you should input the Reynolds stresses directly.

You can set the Reynolds stresses by using constant values, profile functions of coordinates (see Profiles), or user-defined functions (in the Fluent Customization Manual).

Figure 15.34: Specifying Inlet Boundary Conditions for the Reynolds Stresses

Specifying Inlet Boundary Conditions for the Reynolds Stresses

15.17.5. Scale Resolving Simulations

In Scale Resolving Simulations, it is possible to specify unsteady fluctuating velocity at velocity and pressure inlets to generate realistic turbulent content. The specified velocity and turbulent parameters are used to generate the fluctuations. For details, see Inlet Boundary Conditions for Scale Resolving Simulations in the Fluent Theory Guide.