21.3. Using the Crevice Model

For information regarding the theory behind the crevice model, see Crevice Model in the Theory Guide. Using the crevice models in Ansys Fluent are described in the following sections:

21.3.1. Setup Procedure

An optical experimental engine  [37] is used below to show a working example of how to use the crevice model as it is implemented in Ansys Fluent. The mesh at ten crank angle degrees before top center is shown in Figure 21.7: Experimental Engine Mesh.

Figure 21.7: Experimental Engine Mesh

Experimental Engine Mesh

The following example shows the necessary steps to enable the crevice model for a typical in-cylinder flow.

  1. From the > prompt, enter the define/models menu by using the following text command:

    define models

  2. Enable the crevice model, as follows:

      /define/models   crevice-model?
      Enable crevice model? [no] yes
  3. Enter the ring pack geometry:

      /define/models   crevice-model-controls
      Cylinder bore (m) [0.1] 0.1397
      Piston to bore clearance (m) [3.0e-5] 5.08e-05
      Piston crevice temperature (K) [400] 433
      Piston sector angle (deg) [360] 45
      Ring discharge coefficient [0.8] 0.7
      Pressure in crankcase (exit pressure) (Pa) [101325]
      Write  out  crevice  data  to  a  file?  [no]   yes
      output file name ["crev.out"]
     Available  wall  threads  are:  (wall.1  wall  wall-8)
     Leaking  wall []   wall.1
    Shared boundary [] wall-8
       Selected  boundary  threads  :  (wall.1  wall-8)
      Use  these  zones?  [yes]   yes
    Solve crevice model ? [no] yes
    Number of rings [3]
               Width  of  ring  number  0  is:  [0.00375]
           Thickness  of  ring  number  0  is:  [0.0015]
             Spacing  of  ring  number  0  is:  [0.008]
       Land  Length  for  ring  number  0  is:  [0.00391]
            Top  Gap  of  ring  number  0  is:  [6e-05]
         Middle  Gap  of  ring  number  0  is:  [4e-05]
         Bottom  Gap  of  ring  number  0  is:  [6e-05]
               Width  of  ring  number  1  is:  [0.00375]
           Thickness  of  ring  number  1  is:  [0.0015]
             Spacing  of  ring  number  1  is:  [0.008]
       Land  Length  for  ring  number  1  is:  [0.00391]
            Top  Gap  of  ring  number  1  is:  [6e-05]
         Middle  Gap  of  ring  number  1  is:  [4e-05]
         Bottom  Gap  of  ring  number  1  is:  [6e-05]
               Width  of  ring  number  2  is:  [0.00375]
           Thickness  of  ring  number  2  is:  [0.0015]
             Spacing  of  ring  number  2  is:  [0.00391]
       Land  Length  for  ring  number  2  is:  [0.00391]
            Top  Gap  of  ring  number  2  is:  [6e-05]
         Middle  Gap  of  ring  number  2  is:  [4e-05]
         Bottom  Gap  of  ring  number  2  is:  [6e-05]
      Initial  conditions  in  ring  pack
      Pressure  1  is:  [4600623.5]  
      Pressure  2  is:  [4173522.5]
      Pressure  3  is:  [3689110.5]
      Pressure  4  is:  [3130620]
      Pressure  5  is:  [2214841.8]

    A fast way to set up multiple rings in the ring pack is to specify only one ring and enter the geometry. Once the ring geometry is entered, invoke the crevice-model- controls menu a second time and specify the number of rings desired. When the number of rings changes, the geometry from the first ring is copied to all subsequent rings. Default values can be taken for the rest of the way through the menu structure.

    A summary of the crevice model is printed out by entering the (crevice-summary) command at the command prompt:

                           crevice/n-rings  :  3
                        crevice/ring-width  :  (0.00375  0.00375  0.00375)
                    crevice/ring-thickness  :  (0.0015  0.0015  0.0015)
                         crevice/ring-mass  :  (0.00375  0.00375  0.00375)
                      crevice/ring-spacing  :  (0.008  0.008  0.00391)
                       crevice/land-length  :  (0.00391  0.00391  0.00391)
                      crevice/top-ring-gap  :  (6e-05  6e-05  6e-05)
                      crevice/mid-ring-gap  :  (4e-05  4e-05  4e-05)
                      crevice/bot-ring-gap  :  (6e-05  6e-05  6e-05)
                crevice/piston-temperature  :  433
                      crevice/sector-angle  :  45
                        crevice/mid-gap-cd  :  0.7
                     crevice/exit-pressure  :  101325
                           crevice/threads  :  (5  6)
                names  of  crevice/threads  :  (wall.1  wall-8)
                     crevice/unit-roundoff  :  5.9604645e-08  
             crevice/piston-bore-clearance  :  5.08e-05
                            crevice/write?  :  #t
                       crevice/output-file  :  crev.out
                            crevice/solve?  :  #t
                          crevice/enabled?  :  #t
                         crevice/pressures  :  (4600623.5  4173522.5  3689110.5  3130620  2214841)

21.3.2. Crevice Model Solution Details

The under-relaxation factor for the crevice model source terms can be found in the Solution Controls task page. The default value for Crevice Model Sources is 0.8, which has been found to work well for motored engine simulations. Once the crevice model is enabled, the solution proceeds normally.

 Solution   Controls

 Solution   Initialization

 Solution   Run Calculation

21.3.3. Postprocessing for the Crevice Model

A plot of cylinder mass with and without the crevice model during the motored engine simulation is shown in Figure 21.8: Cylinder Mass vs. Crank Angle. The rate of mass loss from the crevice is proportional to the pressure difference between the cylinder and the crankcase pressure defined in the text interface.

Figure 21.8: Cylinder Mass vs. Crank Angle

Cylinder Mass vs. Crank Angle

A plot of cylinder pressure with and without the crevice model for the same engine simulation is shown in Figure 21.9: Cylinder Pressure vs. Crank Angle. The effect of the mass loss from the crevice is to lower the peak pressure in proportion to the total mass loss from the cylinder.

Figure 21.9: Cylinder Pressure vs. Crank Angle

Cylinder Pressure vs. Crank Angle Using the Crevice Output File

The pressure in the top ring land is defined as the cylinder pressure (that is, the pressure in the cells defining the ring landing). Intermediate pressures are available at any point during the Ansys Fluent session through the (crevice-summary) command as previously shown. If the optional data file output is chosen in the crevice-model-controls, the intermediate pressures in the defined crevices are printed to the file crev.out at the start of each new time step. The format of the file is as follows:

 # crank (deg) data-press[0...1...2...3...4...5...6] total_mdot
1.95500e+02 2.16650e+05 1.01325e+05 1.01325e+05 1.01325e+05 1.01325e+05 1.01325e+05 1.01325e+05 0.0
1.96000e+02 2.09945e+05 1.06794e+05 1.81553e+05 1.04111e+05 1.48582e+05 1.02202e+05 1.01325e+05 -1.6
1.96500e+02 2.17787e+05 1.13070e+05 1.88242e+05 1.07960e+05 1.53544e+05 1.03526e+05 1.01325e+05 -1.6
1.97000e+02 2.17434e+05 1.19065e+05 1.88060e+05 1.11705e+05 1.53475e+05 1.04830e+05 1.01325e+05 -1.6
1.97500e+02 2.17652e+05 1.24777e+05 1.88299e+05 1.15286e+05 1.53668e+05 1.06081e+05 1.01325e+05 -1.6
1.98000e+02 2.17937e+05 1.30215e+05 1.88594e+05 1.18711e+05 1.53900e+05 1.07283e+05 1.01325e+05 -1.6 

where the first column is the current flow time (or crank angle), and the next columns are the ring pressures (where is the number of crevice volumes, or ), including the face pressure on the crevice cell, and the defined pressure at the crevice exit. The final column is the mass flow past the top ring. This file is currently formatted so that it can be read into the free Gnuplot plotting package, which is available at www.gnuplot.info.

To read the crevice output file into Ansys Fluent as a data file, you will need to put each column of the crevice output file in its own individual file. The first three lines of each column of the data file should be of the following form:

 "X-Label" "Y-Label"
 0 0 0 0 

where the title, -label, and -label strings are enclosed by double quotes and the third line of the file contains four zeros. The lines following the first three lines of the file are the columns you want to plot. For example, to plot column 1 versus column 3 of the crevice model output file in Ansys Fluent, you would enter the following commands in a Linux terminal:

 cat > crev_col_1_3.dat.h5
 "Column 1 vs Column 3"
 "Crank Angle (deg)" "Pressure behind ring 1 (Pa)"
 0 0 0 0 

where ctrl-d is the end-of-file character made holding down the Ctrl key and pressing d (Ctrl+d). To append columns 1 and 3 to this file, enter the following:

 tail +2 crev.out | awk ’{print $1, $3}’ >> crev_col_1_3.dat.h5 

The file crev_col_1_3.dat.h5 can now be read into Ansys Fluent using the Plot Data Sources Dialog Box. See Creating an XY Plot From Multiple Data Sources (Including Files) for details about creating - plots. For Windows users, the file crev.out can be imported into Excel for plotting purposes without any modification.

A Gnuplot plot of the pressure in the ring pack crevices for the above engine simulation is shown in Figure 21.10: Crevice Pressures. After an initial transient period where the flows in the network settle down, Figure 21.10: Crevice Pressures shows that the pressure in the ring crevices follows the cylinder pressure in form, though with pressure magnitudes that are controlled by the ring pack geometry.

Figure 21.10: Crevice Pressures

Crevice Pressures