51.15. Calculation Activities Task Page

The Calculation Activities task page allows you to set up various tasks that you can perform during the calculation, such as saving files, exporting files, creating solution animations, and command execution.

Important:  This feature offers reduced functionality when running Fluent under the Pro capability level.


Autosave Every

allows you to set the frequency of the autosave.


opens the Autosave Dialog Box.

Automatic Export

displays a list of available export objects that will be executed during the calculations. This list and its associated buttons are only available for transient flow calculations.


provides a drop-down list that contains options for creating export objects. Two options are available: the Solution Data Export option opens the Automatic Export Dialog Box; the Particle History Data Export option opens the Automatic Particle History Data Export Dialog Box.


opens the appropriate dialog box for the selected item in the Automatic Export list.


removes the selected item from the Automatic Export list.

Execute Commands

lists available commands to be executed during the calculations.


opens the Execute Commands Dialog Box.

Automatically Initialize Solution and Modify Case

allows you to automatically have your solution initialized and your case file modified.


opens the Case Modification Manager Dialog Box. This button is only available when the Automatically Initialize Solution and Modify Case option is enabled.

51.15.1. Autosave Dialog Box

The Autosave dialog box allows you to specify automatic saving of case and data files at specified intervals during a calculation. See Automatic Saving of Case and Data Files for details.


Save Data File Every

specifies the frequency with which data files are saved. For steady flows you will specify the frequency in iterations, while for unsteady flows you will specify it in either time steps or flow time (unless you are using the explicit time stepping formulation, in which case you will specify the frequency in iterations or if you are running an in-cylinder simulation you can specify the frequency in crank angles). The default value is set to zero, indicating that no automatic saving is performed.

Save Associated Case Files

gives you the choice to save the case file only if it is modified or each time that the data file is saved.

Only if Modified

results in Ansys Fluent saving a case file only if there is a change in the case file settings.

Each Time

allows you to save the case file every time the data file is saved.

Retain Only the Most Recent Files

allows you to restrict the number of files saved by Ansys Fluent if you have limited disk space. When this option is enabled, you can enter the appropriate value in the Maximum Number of Data Files field.

Only the associated case files are retained when using this option.

Important:  When the Retain Only the Most Recent Files option is selected, the solution history currently in memory will be discarded and the solution history reset.

Data File Quantities

opens the Data File Quantities Dialog Box where you can specify which quantities you want to automatically save to a data file for postprocessing. This button is only available when you are writing in the legacy format (that is, .dat files).

Maximum Number of Data Files

specifies the maximum number of data files that can be saved at any instance. If you have constraints on the disk space, you can restrict the number of files to be saved using this field. After saving the specified number of files, Ansys Fluent will overwrite the earliest existing file. The default value for this field is zero, which saves all the files.

File Name

specifies the root name for the files that are saved. The iteration or time-step number and an appropriate suffix (.cas.h5 or .dat.h5, by default) will be added to the specified root name. If the specified File Name ends in .gz or .Z and you have requested the reading and writing of files in the legacy format, appropriate file compression will be performed. (For details about file compression and the legacy format, see Reading and Writing Compressed Files and Reading and Writing Files in the Legacy Format, respectively.)

The default path is ./<filename> indicating that the autosaved files will be saved in the working directory of the current Fluent session. If you hard code a directory, then the files will always be saved at that location, regardless of the working directory of the current Fluent session.

Append File Name with

allows you to select flow-time, time-step, or crank-angle to be appended to the file name. This option is available only for unsteady-state calculations (only for in-cylinder calculations in the case of crank-angle). The default selection is flow-time.

Decimal Places in File Name

allows you to specify the number of decimal digits in the file name. This option is available only when flow-time or crank-angle is selected in the Append File Name with drop-down list. The default value for this field is set to 6.

51.15.2. Data File Quantities Dialog Box

The Data File Quantities dialog box allows you to specify various quantities for postprocessing when you are writing in the legacy format (that is, .dat files). See Setting Data File Quantities for details.


Standard Quantities

contains a listing of standard postprocessing quantities (for example, density, Mach number, temperature, and so on).

Additional Quantities

contains a listing of additional postprocessing quantities that are derived from the standard quantities (for example, standard pressure, velocity magnitude, and so on).

51.15.3. Automatic Export Dialog Box

The Automatic Export dialog box allows you to create an automatic export definition for solution data. See Creating Automatic Export Definitions for Solution Data for details.



specifies the name of the export definition.

File Type

contains a drop-down list of file types, which control the output file format that will be written.


allows you to specify the surface(s) and optional loads, based on the kind of finite element analysis selected, to be exported to an ABAQUS file (extension .inp).


allows you to specify the surface(s), scalars, location from which the values of scalar functions are to be taken, and the delimiter separating the fields, to be exported to an ASCII file.


allows you to specify the scalars you want to write to be exported to an AVS file.

CDAT for CFD-Post & EnSight

allows you to specify the cell zones, surfaces, quantities, and format (Binary or ASCII) used for data export. The .cdat file format is compatible with both CFD-Post and EnSight.


allows you to specify the scalars you want to write and the location from which the values of scalar functions are to be taken, to be exported to a CGNS file (extension .cgns).

Common Fluids Format - Post

allows you to specify the cell zones, surfaces, and quantities that you want exported (note that only nodal values are exported). The following files are written in the hierarchical data format (HDF) from the Automatic Export dialog box: <filename>.cas.post and <filename>.dat.post. When Fluent is set up to save files in the default Common Fluids Format (CFF), a project file named <filename>.flprj is also written as part of the automatic export; it is recommended that you read this file whenever possible when postprocessing in EnSight, as it contains metadata such as the time values for files exported from transient simulations. Note that if the root name of the exported Common Fluids Format - Post files is the same as that used for case and data files automatically saved during the calculation (through the Autosave dialog box), then the metadata from both operations will be written to the same project file.

Data Explorer

allows you to specify the surface(s) and the scalars you want to write to be exported to a Data Explorer file (extension .dx).

EnSight Case Gold

allows you to specify the scalars you want to write, the cell zones, interior zone surfaces, and location in the cell from which the values of scalar functions are to be taken, and the file format, to be exported to an EnSight file (extension .geo, .vel, .scl1, or .encas).

EnSight DVS

allows you to specify the cell zones or surfaces (not both) and the quantities that you want to write, and whether the data is written for nodes or cell centers. Data is exported in .dvs format for import to EnSight.


allows you to specify the scalars you want to write, to be exported as a grid file (Plot3D format), a velocity file, and a scalar file. This option is available only for a triangular or tetrahedral mesh.

FAST Solution

allows you to export a single file containing density, velocity, and total energy data. This option is available only for a triangular or tetrahedral mesh.

Fieldview Unstructured

allows you to specify the scalars you want to write and the cell zones from which the values of scalar functions are to be taken, to be exported to a FIELDVIEW binary file (extension .fvuns) and a regions file (extension .fvuns.fvreg).

I-deas Universal

allows you to specify the surface(s), scalars, and optional loads, based on the kind of finite element analysis selected, to be exported to an I-deas Universal file.

Mechanical APDL Input

allows you to specify the surface(s) and optional loads, based on the kind of finite element analysis selected, to be exported to a Mechanical APDL Input file (extension .cdb).


allows you to specify the surface(s), scalars, and optional loads, based on the kind of finite element analysis selected, to be exported to a NASTRAN file (extension .bdf).


allows you to specify the surface(s), scalars, and optional loads, based on the kind of finite element analysis selected, to be exported to a PATRAN neutral file (extension .out).


allows you to specify the surface(s) for which you want to write data and the method of writing the heat transfer coefficient, to be exported to a PATRAN neutral file (extension .neu). This option is available only when the Energy Equation is enabled.


allows you to specify the surface(s) and the scalars you want to write, to be exported to a Tecplot file.

Cell Zones

specifies the cell zones for which data is to be written for a CFD-Post compatible, EnSight, or FIELDVIEW file.


specifies the surfaces for which data is to be written for an ABAQUS, ASCII, Data Explorer, I-deas Universal, Mechanical APDL Input, NASTRAN, PATRAN, TAITherm, or Tecplot file.


specifies valid quantities for output. The attributes of the list are modified based on the active file type. The list may be a single-selection or a multiple-selection list or it may be disabled, depending on the selected File Type.

Analysis (for ABAQUS, I-deas Universal, Mechanical APDL Input, NASTRAN, and PATRAN formats)

specifies the finite element analysis intended.


specifies structural analysis and allows you to select the Structural Loads to be written.


specifies thermal analysis and allows you to select the Thermal Loads to be written.

Structural Loads

contains optional structural loads that can be written to ABAQUS, I-deas Universal, Mechanical APDL Input, NASTRAN, and PATRAN files. This option is available only when Structural analysis is selected.


enables force to be written as a load for a structural analysis.


enables pressure to be written as a load for a structural analysis.


enables temperature to be written as a load for a structural analysis. This option is available only when the Energy Equation is enabled.

Thermal Loads

contains optional thermal loads that can be written to ABAQUS, I-deas Universal, Mechanical APDL Input, NASTRAN, and PATRAN files. This option is available only when Thermal analysis is selected.


enables temperature to be written as a load for a thermal analysis.

Heat Flux

enables heat flux to be written as a load for a thermal analysis.

Heat Trans Coeff

enables heat transfer coefficient to be written as a load for a thermal analysis.

Location (for ASCII, CGNS, and EnSight Case Gold formats)

specifies the location from which the values of scalar functions are to be taken.


specifies that data values at the node points are to be exported.

Cell Center

specifies that data values from the cell centers are to be exported.

EnSight Parallel

(Available only with Fluent in parallel) creates .encas files suitable for use in EnSight Enterprise.

Format (for CDAT for CFD-Post & EnSight and EnSight Case Gold)

specifies the file format.


specifies the file format as binary.


specifies the file format as ASCII.

Heat Transfer Coefficient (for TAITherm format only)

specifies the basis for the heat transfer coefficient exported.

Flux Based

specifies the flux based method for writing the heat transfer coefficient.

Wall Function

specifies the wall function based method for writing the heat transfer coefficient.

Write Case File (for CDAT for CFD-Post & EnSight)

specifies the circumstances under which a case file is written with the .cdat file. It is recommended that you select either Every Time or Only if Case/Mesh Changes since applications consuming .cdat files require a corresponding case/mesh file to consume the data.

Export Data Every

specifies the frequency for appending the data during the solution process based on either Time Steps or Flow Time.

File Name

specifies the root name for the files to be saved.

Append File Name with

allows you to select flow-time or time-step to be appended to the file name.

Decimal Places in File Name

allows you to specify the number of decimal digits in the file name. This option is available only when flow-time is selected in the Append File Name with drop-down list. The default value for this field is set to 6.

51.15.4. Automatic Particle History Data Export Dialog Box

The Automatic Particle History Data Export dialog box allows you to create an automatic particle history export definition for solution data. See Creating Automatic Export Definitions for Transient Particle History Data for details.



specifies the name of the particle history export definition.

File Type

specifies the type of the file you want to write.


allows you to write the file in CFD-Post particle tracks format, which can be read in CFD-Post.


allows you to write the file in FIELDVIEW format, which can be read in FIELDVIEW.


allows you to write the file in EnSight format.


allows you to select the required injection from the list of predefined injections.


contains the list of variables for which you can export the particle data.


allows you to "thin" or "sample" the number of particles that are exported.

Export Data Every

specifies the frequency for appending the data during the solution process. You can export particle history data frequency based on either Time Step or Flow Time for unsteady flow cases, or based on DPM Iteration for steady flow cases.

Separate Files for Each Time Step

allows you to have separate exported data files for each time step. Available only when EnSight is selected as the File Type.

Particle File Name

allows you to specify the file name/directory for the exported data, using the Browse... button.

Ensight Encas File Name

is the file name you will specify if you selected EnSight under File Type. Use the Browse... button to select the .encas file that was created when you exported the file with the File/Export... ribbon tab option.

51.15.5. Execute Commands Manager Dialog Box

The Execute Commands Manager dialog box allows you to define and manage commands to be executed during the calculation. See Executing Commands During the Calculation for details about using this feature.


Defined Commands

lists the total number of monitor commands that have been defined. Details for a selected command in the list are provided to the right.


moves the selected command up in the list of Defined Commands by one.


moves the selected command down in the list of Defined Commands by one.


opens the Execute Commands Dialog Box where you can create a new command.


opens the Execute Commands Dialog Box where you can edit an existing command.


opens the Execute Commands Dialog Box where you can edit an existing command.


removes the selected command from the list of Defined Commands.


opens a file selection dialog box where you can designate the name and location for the tab separated value (TSV) file that will contain your imported command(s).


opens a file selection dialog box where you can designate the name and location for the tab separated value (TSV) file that will contain your exported command(s).

51.15.6. Execute Commands Dialog Box

The Execute Commands dialog box allows you to define commands to be executed during the calculation. See Executing Commands During the Calculation for details about using this feature.



activates/deactivates the execution of each command.


specifies a name for each command.

Execute Repeatedly

Select this option if your command needs to be repeated as part of a sequence of commands.

Every, When

indicate how often the command is to be executed. You can enter the interval under Every and select Iteration, Time Step, Flow Time, Adjoint Iteration, or Design Iteration under When. (Time Step and Flow Time are only valid choices if you are calculating unsteady flow, and Adjoint Iteration and Design Iteration are only available if you have opened the Execute Commands dialog box from the Gradient-Based Optimizer or Run Adjoint Calculation dialog box.)

Execute Once

Select this option if your command needs to be executed only once.


indicate how often the command is to be executed. You can enter the interval under Number and select Iteration, Time Step, Flow Time, Adjoint Iteration, or Design Iteration under At. (Time Step and Flow Time are only valid choices if you are calculating unsteady flow, and Adjoint Iteration and Design Iteration are only available if you have opened the Execute Commands dialog box from the Gradient-Based Optimizer or Run Adjoint Calculation dialog box.)

Execute At End

Select this option if your command needs to be executed at the end of the simulation.

Command Field

specifies the command to be executed. You can enter text commands (using multiple lines if required) or the name of a command macro that you have defined in the Define Macro Dialog Box.

Define Macro...

opens the Define Macro Dialog Box, in which you can define command macros.

End Macro

ends the definition of a macro. (This button will replace the Define Macro... button when you click OK in the Define Macro dialog box.)

51.15.7. Define Macro Dialog Box

The Define Macro dialog box allows you to define macros for automatic execution by the command monitor, or for interactive use by you. See Defining Macros for details.



contains a selectable list of the currently-defined macros.


specifies a name for the command macro.

51.15.8. Case Modification Manager Dialog Box

The Case Modification Manager dialog box allows you to specify the initialization method and to modify the case. See Automatic Initialization of the Solution and Case Modification for details.


Automatically Initialize Solution and Modify Case

allows you to automatically modify the case based on the settings in the dialog box.

Defined Commands

lists your pre-defined commands.


moves the selected command up the list by one increment.


moves the selected command down the list by one.


opens the Modify Case Dialog Box where you can create a new case modification command.


opens the Modify Case Dialog Box where you can edit an existing case modification command.


copies the selected command in the list. By default, the copy uses the name of the original command and adds a numerical identifier indicating the number of the copy. For example, making multiple copies of a command my-new-settings, gives you copied commands with the default names of my-new-settings-1, my-new-settings-2, and my-new-settings-3, and so on.


removes the selected command from the list.

Initialization Method...

displays the Auto Initialization Method Dialog Box.


opens a file selection dialog box where you can locate and select tab-separated value files (.tsv) that contain your case modification commands.


opens a file selection dialog box where you can specify the name and location of tab-separated value files (.tsv) that contain your case modification commands.

51.15.9. Auto Initialization Method Dialog Box

The Auto Initialization Method dialog contains several choices for initializing the solution.


Initialize with Values from the Case

uses the values set in the Solution Initialization task page.

Use Solution Data From File

requires you to read in a data file containing the desired initialization for the case.

Use Existing Solution Data

is analogous to changing the values in a case and continuing the calculation. However, the iteration counter will be reset to 0 so that the modifications can be applied. Use this method when no solution data exists, similar to the first run.

51.15.10. Modify Case Dialog Box



allows you to enable or disable a defined case modification.


represents the name of the case modification.

Iterations after Modification

represents the number of iterations that you want to run defined case modification commands.

Quality by which to run with case modification

allows you to choose if the case will be modified using Time Steps or by using Flow Time (available for transient calculations).

Time Steps after Modification

represents the number of time steps that you want to run defined case modification commands (available for transient calculations when Time Steps is selected for the case modification quality).

Flow Time after Modification

represents the number of flow time steps that you want to run defined case modification commands (available for transient calculations when Flow Time is selected for the case modification quality).

Define Macro...

opens the Define Macro Dialog Box, in which you can define command macros.