3.13. Importing Files

Ansys Fluent allows you to import the following file formats:

  • ABAQUS  .inp, .fil, and .odb files*

  • CFX  .def and .res files

  • CGNS files*

  • EnSight files*

  • GAMBIT files


  • Mechanical APDL  .inp, .cdb, .rst, and .rmg files*

  • NASTRAN Bulk Data files*

  • PLOT3D mesh files*

  • Tecplot files*

*Requires a VKI license

Figure 3.9: The Import Menu

The Import Menu

Important:  Once you have imported any 3rd party file it is recommended that you confirm that the boundary zones and cell zones are set up as you expect.

For information on importing particle history data, see Importing Particle Data.

3.13.1. ABAQUS Files

To import an ABAQUS input file, use the File/Import/ABAQUS/Input File... ribbon tab item.

 File Import ABAQUS Input File...

Select this menu item to open the Select File dialog box. Specify the name of the ABAQUS Input File to be read. The ABAQUS input file (.inp) is a text file that contains the input description of a finite element model for the ABAQUS finite element program. The interface only produces datasets associated with the finite element model, no results of datasets are produced. Element types commonly associated with structural analysis are supported by this file format. There is a list of input keywords that are recognized in the ABAQUS Input File [4].

To import an ABAQUS filbin file, use the File/Import/ABAQUS/Filbin File... ribbon tab item.

 File Import ABAQUS Filbin File...

Select this menu item to open the Select File dialog box. Specify the name of the ABAQUS Filbin File to be read. This output file has a .fil extension and consists of finite element model and results data.

To import an ABAQUS ODB file, use the File/Import/ABAQUS/ODB File... ribbon tab item.

 File Import ABAQUS ODB File...

Select this menu item to open the Select File dialog box. Specify the name of the ABAQUS ODB File to be read. This output database file has a .odb extension and consists of finite element model and results data in the OpenDocument format.

3.13.2. CFX Files

To import a CFX definition file, use the File/Import/CFX/Definition File... ribbon tab item.

 File Import CFX Definition File...

Select this menu item to open the Select File dialog box. Specify the name of the CFX Definition File to be read. Fluent reads mesh information from the CFX file with .def extensions. For information about importing CFX files, see CFX Files.

To import a CFX result file, use the File/Import/CFX/Result File... ribbon tab item.

 File Import CFX Result File...

In the Select File dialog box, specify the name of the CFX Result File to be read. Those imported files will have .res extensions.

Note that the Create Zones from CCL Physics Data option in the Select File dialog boxes allows you to create zones from the physics data objects or the primitive mesh region objects.

Important:  CFX file import is available for 3D cases only.

3.13.3. Meshes and Data in CGNS Format

To import meshes in CFD general notation system (CGNS) format (.cgns) into Ansys Fluent, use the File/Import/CGNS/Mesh... ribbon tab item.

 File Import CGNS Mesh...

To import a mesh and the corresponding CGNS data, use the File/Import/CGNS/Mesh & Data... ribbon tab item.

 File Import CGNS Mesh & Data...

To import only the CGNS data, use the File/Import/CGNS/Data... ribbon tab item.

 File Import CGNS Data...

Note:  While Fluent can import both structured and unstructured CGNS meshes, it cannot import data on CGNS Structured Zones.

Table 3.1: CGNS Variables Supported by Ansys Fluent

CGNS Variable NameAnsys Fluent Name
Pressure pressure
ReynoldsStressXX uu-stress
ReynoldsStressXY uv-stress
ReynoldsStressXZ uw-stress
ReynoldsStressYY vv-stress
ReynoldsStressYZ vw-stress
ReynoldsStressZZ ww-stress
Temperature temperature
TurbulentDissipation epsilon
TurbulentDissipationRate omega
TurbulentEnergyKinetic k
VelocityX x-velocity
VelocityY y-velocity
VelocityZ z-velocity

  • To import data correctly, first import the mesh using the mesh only option (Mesh...) and set up the boundary conditions. For example, if a boundary zone is of type pressure-outlet and is read as outlet, it should be changed to pressure-outlet before importing the data. Then select the appropriate model and read the data using the data only option (Data...)

  • The new and original meshes should have the same zones, numbered in the same order. A warning is issued if they do not, because inconsistencies can create problems with the boundary conditions.

  • Ansys Fluent defaults to the Laminar Viscous Model after reading a CGNS mesh. You must select the appropriate model before reading data since Ansys Fluent selectively imports only those values from the CGNS file required for a given model. For example, if Epsilon is available in the CGNS file, the model must be changed to k-epsilon to ensure that Ansys Fluent will import this quantity.

  • (Linux only) Ensure that the LC_NUMERIC and LC_ALL are either not set or set to en_US prior to launching Ansys Fluent.

3.13.4. EnSight Files

You can import an EnSight file using the File/Import/EnSight... ribbon tab item.

 File Import EnSight...

This file format is applied to both unstructured and structured data, where each part contains its own local coordinate array. The EnSight Gold software package, which uses this file format, allows you to analyze, visualize, and communicate engineering datasets. It allows you to take full advantage of parallel processing and rendering and supports a range of virtual reality devices. Furthermore, it enables real-time collaboration.

When selecting this option, the Select File dialog box will appear, where you will specify a file name. This file will have an .encas or .case extension.

Only the mesh file is read into Ansys Fluent, and any data present is discarded.

3.13.5. GAMBIT and GeoMesh Mesh Files

If you have saved a neutral file from GAMBIT, rather than an Ansys Fluent mesh file, you can import it into Ansys Fluent using the File/Import/GAMBIT... ribbon tab item.

 File Import GAMBIT...

For information about importing files from GAMBIT and GeoMesh, see GAMBIT Mesh Files and GeoMesh Mesh Files.


You can read a HYPERMESH ASCII file using the File/Import/HYPERMESH ASCII... ribbon tab item.


HYPERMESH is a high-performance finite element pre- and postprocessor for popular finite element solvers, allowing engineers to analyze product design performance in a highly interactive and visual environment.

When selecting this option, the Select File dialog box will appear, where you will specify a file name. This file should have an .hm, .hma, or .hmascii extension.

3.13.7. NASTRAN Files

You can read NASTRAN Bulkdata files into Ansys Fluent with the File/Import/NASTRAN/Bulkdata File... ribbon tab item.

 File Import NASTRAN Bulkdata File...

When you select the Bulkdata File... menu item, the Select File dialog box will appear and you will specify the name of the NASTRAN File to be read. This file will have .nas*, .dat*, .bdf* file extensions. Fluent reads mesh information from the NASTRAN file. For information about importing NASTRAN files, see NASTRAN Files.

To import NASTRAN Op2 files into Ansys Fluent, use the File/Import/NASTRAN/Op2 File... ribbon tab item.

 File Import NASTRAN Op2 File...

In the Select File dialog box, specify the name of the NASTRAN Output2 File to be read. This file is an output binary data file that contains data used in the NASTRAN finite element program. This file will have .op2 file extension.

3.13.8. PLOT3D Files

To import a PLOT3D mesh file, use the File/Import/PLOT3D Grid... ribbon tab item.

 File Import PLOT3D Grid...

The PLOT3D mesh files have .p3d, .bin, .x, .xyz, or .grd file extensions.

These file formats may be formatted, unformatted or binary.

3.13.9. Tecplot Files

To import a Tecplot file, use the File/Import/Tecplot... ribbon tab item.

 File Import Tecplot...

This will open the Select File dialog box. Specify the name of the neutral file to be read.

The Tecplot file is a binary file. Only the mesh is read into Ansys Fluent and any data present is discarded.

The form of the file must have the .plt extension. Ansys Fluent supports the importation of polyhedral cells and files created by Tecplot version 7.1–11.2, except for version 11.0 (which is unsupported).

3.13.10. Partition Files

To perform METIS partitioning on an unpartitioned mesh, use the File/Import/Partition/Metis... ribbon tab item.

 File Import Partition Metis...

You may also partition each cell zone individually, using the File/Import/Partition/Metis Zone... ribbon tab item.

 File Import Partition Metis Zone...

See Using the Partition Filter for detailed information about partitioning.

3.13.11. CHEMKIN Mechanism

To import a CHEMKIN format, you can import the mechanism file into Ansys Fluent using the File/Import/CHEMKIN Mechanism... ribbon tab item (Figure 19.5: The Import CHEMKIN Format Mechanism Dialog Box for Volumetric Kinetics).

 File Import CHEMKIN Mechanism...

See Importing a Volumetric Kinetic Mechanism in CHEMKIN Format for detailed information on importing a CHEMKIN Mechanism file.