3.3. Manual Contact Regions in Explicit Dynamics Analyses

In addition to Body Interaction objects, contact regions can be defined in an Explicit Dynamics analysis using manual Contact Regions. They can be used to define Bonded, Frictional, and Frictionless contacts. For setting up Bonded Contact Regions, see the information regarding Bonded Body Interactions in Bonded Type. For Frictional and Frictionless Contact Regions, the contact behavior is determined by a combination of the settings in the Body Interactions object (if it exists – if it does not the default contact settings are used), and the settings in each Contact Region. The sections below describe the expected behavior in Explicit Dynamics depending on the settings. These sections do not apply to the LS-DYNA solver.

In addition to the rules governing the scoping for manual contact regions in other analysis types, there are some additional rules for the scoping supported in an Explicit Dynamics analysis. These rules depend on the overall contact settings defined in the Body Interactions object and are described in section Manual Contact Region Behavior for Proximity Based Contact and Trajectory Contact with Discrete Sliding or Manual Contact Treatment set to Lumped and Manual Contact Region Behavior for Trajectory Contact with Connected Surface Sliding and Manual Contact Treatment set to Pairwise.

Manual contact regions are additive to any contact defined through Body Interaction objects; they do not override the behavior defined in Body Interaction objects.

Note:   Frictional and Frictionless Manual Contact Regions cannot be scoped to Particle bodies in Explicit Dynamics analyses. For LS-DYNA, the Manual Contact Region can be applied to Particle bodies if the contact bodies are scoped such that the Particle body is the Target body.

The Explicit Dynamics solver handles manual contact regions based on the options selected in the Body Interactions object. Note that the discussion that follows is about manual Contact Region behavior, but the settings that affect the behavior are found in the Body Interactions object. If no Body Interactions object is present, the default options for Body Interactions are used. The different behaviors are described in the following sections.