
Rubber Cylinder Pressed Between Two Plates


Reference:T. Tussman, K-J Bathe, "A Finite Element Formulation for Nonlinear Incompressible Elastic and Inelastic Analysis", Computers and Structures, Vol. 26 Nos 1/2, 1987, pp. 357-409.
Analysis Type(s):Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
2D 4-Node Structural Solid Elements (PLANE182)
2D 8-Node Structural Solid Elements (PLANE183)
3D 8-Node Structural Solid Elements (SOLID185)
3D 20-Node Structural Solid or Layered Solid Elements (SOLID186)
2D 3-Node Surface-to-Surface Contact Elements (CONTA172)
3D 8-Node Surface-to-Surface Contact Elements (CONTA174)
2D Target Segment Elements (TARGE169)
3D Target Segment Elements (TARGE170)
Input Listing:vm211.dat

Test Case

A long rubber cylinder is pressed between two rigid plates using a maximum imposed displacement of δmax. Determine the force-deflection response.

Figure 333: Rubber Cylinder Problem Sketch

Rubber Cylinder Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
Mooney-Rivlin Constants:
C1 = 0.293 MPa
C2 = 0.177 MPa
r = 200 mm
δmax = 200 mm
Real Constant[1]
FKN = 8
  1. Applicable to CONTA172 and CONTA174.

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

This test case solves the problem of VM201 using the 2D and 3D rigid target and contact elements. A plane strain solution is assumed based on the geometry of the problem. Due to geometric and loading symmetry, the analysis can be performed using one quarter of the cross section. All nodes on the left edge (X = 0) are constrained, UX = 0. All nodes on the top edge (y = 0) are coupled in UY. An imposed displacement of -0.1 m acts upon the coupled nodes.

The problem is solved in 12 different ways. The first four solutions are performed using the default contact algorithm, the next four are performed using the Lagrange multipliers method (KEYOPT(2) = 3 ) of contact elements, and the final four are performed using the exponential pressure-penetration relationship (KEYOPT(6) = 3):

Results Comparison

 Target[1]Mechanical APDLRatio
PLANE182Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N) 250.00243.020.972
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001362.080.973
PLANE183Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N) 250.00244.930.980
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001372.600.980
SOLID185Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N) 250.00241.580.966
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001359.440.971
SOLID186Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N) 250.00252.691.011
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001399.811.000
With KEYOPT (2) = 3 of CONTA172 (dropped midside nodes)
PLANE182Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N) 250.00252.571.010
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001406.841.005
With KEYOPT (2) = 3 of CONTA172
PLANE183Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N) 250.00 256.101.024
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001415.801.011
With KEYOPT (2) = 3 of CONTA174 (dropped midside nodes)
SOLID185Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N) 250.00 251.461.006
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001400.481.000
With KEYOPT (2) = 3 of CONTA174
SOLID186Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N) 250.00 255.651.023
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001416.531.012
With KEYOPT (6) = 3 of CONTA172 (dropped midside nodes)
PLANE182Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N)250.00242.880.972
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001366.140.976
With KEYOPT (6) = 3 of CONTA172
PLANE183Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N)250.00244.330.977
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001357.870.970
With KEYOPT (6) = 3 of CONTA174 (dropped midside nodes)
SOLID185Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N)250.00246.010.984
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001363.660.974
With KEYOPT (6) = 3 of CONTA174
SOLID186Force at Displacement = 0.1 (N)250.00254.111.016
Force at Displacement = 0.2 (N)1400.001405.321.004
  1. Determined from graphical results. See T. Tussman, K-J Bathe, "A Finite Element Formulation for Nonlinear Incompressible Elastic and Inelastic Analysis", pg. 385, fig. 6.14.

Figure 334: Displaced Shape

Displaced Shape

Figure 335: Force vs. Displacement

Force vs. Displacement