
Pyramid Validation of Tetrahedron to Hexahedron


Reference: E. P. Popov, Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998, pp. 182-185.
Analysis Type(s): Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
3D 20-Node Structural Solid Elements (SOLID95)
3D 20-Node Structural Solid Elements (SOLID186)
Input Listing: vm210.dat

Test Case

For an elastic beam subjected to pure bending, validate the use of pyramids in a tetrahedron to hexahedron interface. Find the axial stress at the top, midplane, and bottom surfaces.

Figure 331: Tetrahedron to Hexahedron Interface Problem Sketch

Tetrahedron to Hexahedron Interface Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 30E6
υ = 0.3
W = 31.071
H = 33.917
L = 37.264
at z = 0, L area pressure load
sf gradient:
(-0.18979 at y = H/2)
(0.18979 at y = -H/2)

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved in two different ways:

The model is generated using the block primitive which is divided into 8 sub-blocks. The pyramid interface is created by meshing the hexahedra first, followed by the tetrahedra. The working plane describes the hex-tet interface region.

Full displacement constraints placed upon three corners in the model midplane does not allow generation of significant reaction forces. A pure bending condition is created by the application of a pressure gradient on the faces of elements lying in the z = 0 and z = L planes. The linear gradient varies from -0.18979 on the bottom to 0.18979 on the top.

σz = (Mzy) / (Ic)


σZ = stress in z-direction
Mz = effective moment, z-direction
y = distance from neutral surface
Ic = second moment of area about the horizontal centroidal axis

Results Comparison

TargetMechanical APDLRatio
StressZ , Top (AVG)-0.1898-0.18991.001
StressZ , Neutral Axis (AVG)0-0.00011.000
StressZ , Bottom Axis (AVG)0.18980.18981.000
StressZ , Top (AVG)-0.1898-0.18991.001
StressZ , Neutral Axis (AVG)0-0.00011.000
StressZ , Bottom Axis (AVG)0.18980.18981.000

Figure 332: Bending of Hex-to-tet Interface

Bending of Hex-to-tet Interface